
Passion and Death. As John begins to tell of the Passion of our Lord he continues
to focus on the manifestation of the glory of God. At each point in the story thus far,
the key to understanding all that Jesus does and says has been his identity as the Son of
God. His suffering might call his identity into question, but instead his identity is
revealed even more clearly, for as Jesus is crucified he conquers the enemy and is
enthroned as King. Furthermore, the glory of this victory is matched by the glory of his
obedience. Throughout his humiliation, pain and suffering we see Jesus confident in his
Father and set upon fulfilling his will. As he does so his death reveals the very heart of
God--God is love, and love is the laying down of one's life (1 Jn 4:8, 16; 3:16). In these
chapters we see Jesus as the king of love who completes his mission of revealing the
Father and providing eternal life.
John's Gospel is a literary masterpiece (cf. Culpepper 1983), and this is nowhere more
evident than in his account of the Passion. But John is not giving us just a story--he is
giving us history. Each of the four Gospels recounts the events of the Passion in the same
order, but each leaves out some material and includes items not found in the other
accounts (for a convenient list see Westcott 1908:2:262-63). John's Gospel is distinct
from the Synoptics, offering important elements to the whole story.

John's account of the trial before Pilate is much more extensive than the accounts in
the Synoptics. The literary power is evident here as John presents seven scenes in a
chiastic pattern that alternates between the Jewish opponents on the outside and Jesus
inside, with Pilate going back and forth between them (Brown 1970: 859, from which the
following diagram is adapted):
- A Outside (18:28-32) The Jews demand Jesus' death
- B Inside (18:33-38a) Pilate questions Jesus about kingship
- C Outside (18:38b-40) Pilate finds Jesus not guilty; Barabbas choice
- D Inside (19:1-3) Soldiers scourge Jesus
- C' Outside (19:4-8) Pilate finds Jesus not guilty; "Behold the man"
- B' Inside (19:9-11) Pilate talks with Jesus about power
- A' Outside (19:12-16a) The Jews obtain Jesus' death
Outline of events according to John:
- Jesus Is Arrested (18:1-11)
- Jesus Is Taken to Annas, the High Priest (18:12-14)
- Peter Denies He Is a Follower of Jesus (18:15-18)
- Annas Questions Jesus (18:19-24)
- Peter Denies Jesus Two More Times (18:25-27)
- Jesus Is Handed Over to Pilate by the Jewish Opponents (18:28-32)
- Pilate Questions Jesus (18:33-38)
- Pilate Finds Jesus Innocent (18:38-40)
- The Soldiers Mistreat Jesus (19:1-3)
- Pilate Again Declares Jesus Innocent (19:4-8)
- Jesus Speaks of Power and Guilt (19:9-11)
- Pilate and the Jewish Opponents Reject Jesus as King (19:12-16)
Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross:
1. |
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34 |
2. |
Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.
Luke 23:43 |
3. |
Woman, behold thy Son! . . . Behold thy mother! John 19:26-27 |
4. |
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? ... My God, My God, why hast Thou
forsaken Me? Matthew 27:46, (Mark 15:34 Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?) |
5. |
I thirst. John 19:28 |
6. |
It is finished. John 19:30 |
7. |
Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit. Luke 23:46 |
