
JOHN AND JESUS This passage and what immediately precedes,
contains a chiastic comparison: John the Baptist / Jesus vis-à-vis the crowd who taunt
and jeer as children would treat strangers in the marketplace. Jesus is the "expected
coming one," and John is the final prophetic word to introduce Gods promised
one. But "this generation" lacks discernment and recognizes neither one. [1]
THE QUANDARY John and Jesus are like persons treated poorly by
children in the marketplace who refuse to celebrate and participate in their games.
"John insists on leading the aesthetic life and calling for repentance, so the people
declare him possessed of a demon. Jesus, the Son of Man, feasts in inappropriate ways with
inappropriate people, so the people declare him a drunk and glutton. [2]
PERSONAL INVITATION TO ALL The perceptive reader is stunned by this section
of Matthew, in which all those who should recognize the definitive revelation of God
taking place in their midst instead fail to "get it." John the Baptist, who had
baptized Jesus, knew his own unworthiness, and had heard the heavenly voice (11:2-14) did
not get it. Those who had their own games to play and found that neither John nor Jesus
met the predetermined criteria of their own values (11:16-19) did not get it. Chorazin,
Bethsaida, and Capernaum, in whose presence Jesus had lived out the mighty acts of the
dawning kingdom of God (11:20-24) did not get it . . . Those who did get it were the
"babies," the unpretentious "little ones" who made no claims but could
be given the gift of revelation, which comes from God alone (11:25b-27) . . . Who gets it?
The passage closes with an invitation . . . to all who know themselves to be burdened and
in need of salvation, an invitation to learn and become Jesus disciplethey get
it. [3]
What charge is Jesus really indicting "this generation"
with? Non-participation? Non-support? Speaking out of both sides of the mouth?
Non-committal? Sloth?
When have we been John the Baptist and expressed our doubt about his identity and
mission? How did you come to resolution?
Block #1: Independence Day / Statue of Liberty sayingGive
me your tired, your pooras recalling Jesus similar wordsCome unto
me you who labor and are heavy laden.
Block #2: So we are invited to come and find strength for the journey alongside of
Jesus; but the journey is not easy as the characters in this chapter indicate.
John the Baptist -- describe his doubts
the crowds describe their actions
the cities describe Jesus indictments of them
Block #3: yet we are all invited to travel and learn and find
strength with Jesus;
God gives us rest by offering the wisdom of Christ and the companionship of Christ.
Jesus shoulders the yoke with us; the journey is difficult, but the God who loves us and
walks with us every day chooses to journey with usand that makes all the difference.
The New Interpreters Bible VIII
(Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1995), page 269.
Diane Jacobson, New Proclamation 2002 (Minneapolis:
Fortress Press, 2001), page 124.
NIB, page 275.
4 Adapted from The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2002 Edition (Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 2001), page 247.
