Most carols are appropriate for this Sunday
Special suggestions for this week based on the lectionary:
Prophecy Fulfilled in Jesus:
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Gospel)
God Hath Spoken by the Prophets (Gospel)
O Young and Fearless Prophet (Gospel)
Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee (Gospel)
Christ is the World's Light (Gospel)
Hope of the World (Gospel)
Visions of God's Salvation:
Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (First Lesson)
Fairest Lord Jesus (First Lesson)
Lead On O King Eternal (First Lesson)
O Word of God Incarnate (First Lesson)
Redeemed Children of God:
This is My Father's World (Epistle)
"Arise Your Light Is Come" (Epistle)
Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service (Epistle)
What Wondrous Love is This (Epistle)
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
O Come, Let Us Adore Him
Because He Lives (works for Christmas too)
Our God Reigns
The Lord Reigns
Hymn of the Week:
Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee
by Charles Wesley
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee; let us in thy name agree; show thyself the Prince of Peace,
bid our strife forever cease.
2. By thy reconciling love every stumbling block remove; each to each unite, endear; come,
and spread thy banner here.
3. Make us of one heart and mind, gentle, courteous, and kind, lowly, meek, in thought and
word, altogether like our Lord.