Choose from the following children's sermons:
- Clothe yourselves with compassion, humility, love...
Col. 3:12-17, by Janet in MD (see below)
- How big is a Christian?, Luke 2:41-52,
by Frank Schaefer
(please scroll down)
yourselves with compassion, humility, love, ...
a children's sermon seed based on Col. 3:12-17
by Janet in MD
We'll spend a little time chatting about who received clothing for Christmas, and how
underwear and socks are not usually our favorite gifts!
Today's Bible verse talks about a different kind of clothing that is a lot more
important and wonderful than underwear, or even than the most beautiful princess dress or
superhero costume. The Bible tells us to put on love, and kindness -- to wear them like we
wear clothes. That's kind of a weird thought, isn't it? How do you wear something like
love or kindness?
[hold up a glove]. I've been thinking about this a lot this week, and I think it's kind
of like this glove. This glove isn't part of my body. It's totally separate from me. [put
it on]. But when I put it on, a couple of interesting things happen. It protects my hand
from the cold, and since it's a thick glove it even protects my hands from sharp things.
But even though this glove isn't part of my body, it makes changes in my body. The longer
I wear this glove, the warmer my hand gets. That's a change in my body. My hand might even
start to sweat. All because I put on something that wasn't part of me.
It's hard to feel love or kindness toward somebody who isn't nice to us. But when we
follow the Bible's advice and put on love, it's kind of like putting on the glove. We may
not feel loving inside, but if we act loving and act kindly, and ask God to help us love,
there will start to be a change in us. Just like the glove warms up my hand, behaving in a
loving way can make real love grow inside us.
Sometimes we think that love is just a feeling inside us. But this Bible verse reminds
us that love is also a choice that we make. Just like we choose to put on gloves, or a
coat, or a princess dress or underwear, we can choose to put on love. And God's love will
protect us, and warm us up, and change us into truly loving people.
How big is a Christian?
based on Luke 2:41-52
by Rev. F. Schaefer
Object: Tape Measure
Basic Idea: Spiritual Growth is not measured in inches or years, but in the way we share
our love.
Ask the children: "who is the biggest Christian in this sanctuary today?"
(Let them share). Then suggest that the tallest person present (whom you have determined
ahead of time) come forward, as he (or she?) could be the biggest Christian around. Have
the kids measure his or her height, neck, biceps, etc.).
Then ask: "is this really how we can measure the growth of a Christian? (slightly
shake your head). What makes us good and big Christians? How about having love? Can
you measure love with a tape measure? (shake your head).
Just as our bodies grow, so do we need to grow in spiritual maturity. We must grow in
inches as well as in love. We grow spiritually by having more love for God, our
families, and our neighbors.
How can we show love to God? Take suggestions (prayer, going to church, reading bible)
How can we show love to our parents? (listening, hugging them, helping them, etc.).
Prayer: Thank you God for helping our bodies grow. You give us our daily
bread, drink, a warm, dry place to sleep, and lots of love. Thank you for
church, for teachers, for people who care and inspire us. Help us grow in love to you and
others. Amen.