Rejoice the Lord is King
Sing praise to God who reigns above
God of the sparrow, god of the whale
God of grace and Lord of mercy
We are your people
Savior, Like a Shepherd lead us
The Lord is my shepherd
The king of love my shepherd is
God has spoken by his prophets
Let us break bread together
Ye servants of God
Holy Spirit come confirm us
Jesus, united by thy grace
Dear shepherd of your people, hear
Master, speak, thy servant heareth
Here I am, Lord, is it I Lord?
Where He leads me, I will follow
I surrender all
Just a closer walk with thee
I am Thine, o Lord, I have heard thy voice
God be with you 'till we meet again
Shepherd of my soul, I give you full control
Come, let us worship and bow down
I have decided to follow Jesus
Like a father feeds his children, like a shepherd feeds his flock
Open my eyes, Lord
The potters hand
More Hymns for the Easter Season:
Christ is Risen
Christ is Alive
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Up From the Grave He Arose
He Rose
He Lives
Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise
Christo Vive (Christ is Risen)
The Day of Resurrection
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Crown Him with Many Crowns
On the Day of Resurrection
Now the green Blade Riseth
The Strife is O'er the Battle Done
O Sons and Daughters, Let us Sing
More Choruses:
He is Lord
Lamb of God, Sweet Lamb of God
Majesty, Worship His Majesty
Lord, I lift Your name on High
He is Crowned With Many Crowns
He's Alive!