Choose from the following children's sermons:
A Mother's Day Children's Talk
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Good morning kids. Since this is Mother's Day I want to ask you a
question about mothers: "Do you think there is anybody in this room who
does not have a mother?" "Do you think there ever lived a person who did
not have a mother?"
Well, it may surprise you (or maybe not) that there lived according
to the Bible two persons who did not have a mother. Can you guess who
they were?
That's right, Adam and Eve. They did not have a mother or a father.
They were the first people ever and God made them.
Now, try to put yourself in Adam's or Eve's shoes. What would life be
like if you didn't have a mother?
How would it be different? (if children don't share right away, say
something like:) there wouldn't be anybody to be after you to clean up
your room, brush your teeth, nobody to stop you from watching too much
TV . . . ? Would you like that?
But think about what else would be different. How about the times
when you're sick. Who takes care of you? Who washes your clothes? Who
prepares your food? Who tucks you in and kisses you at night? You really
don't want to miss that, right?
The truth is that moms are some of the greatest people on earth,
because they take such good care of us, and they love us so much.
So, today we really should do something special for our mom's. They
deserve it. Let's tell them that we love them and appreciate them, and
let's spoil them a little today.
Let's pray a prayer of thanks for our moms together . . .
Signs Along the Way
a children's sermon based on John 14:1-14
by Rev. Randy Quinn
props: I have a traffic control sign that I use with the Allen
Volunteer Fire Department. On one side it says "Stop," on the other side it says
What does this mean? (Show them the "Stop" side of the sign.)
It means we are to stop.
Does it really work? I mean, if I held this up in front of a big truck, would
it stop? If I held it up while you were playing would you stop playing?
What about this side? (Show them the "Slow" side.) How slow is slow?
These signs work because people who drive know what they mean and they know
they're supposed to obey them. Even people who can't read know this one means
"Stop" because it's red and has eight sides.
Have you even seen the sign that is shaped like a triangle that has the word
"Yield" on it? What does that sign mean?
It means that the rules of the road normally mean you can go, but you are
supposed to give up your right to go and let someone else go instead. You
"yield" your rights to them and let them go first.
If Jesus were to give us a sign to carry, it would probably be a "Yield"
sign, because he wants us to let others go first. He wants us to open doors for
people, to make room for them, and to help them get through.
The next time you see a "Yield" sign, I want you to remember Jesus. Wherever
he went he 'yielded' to people. He even gave his life for other people. And he
wants us to do the same.
Let's pray:
Dear God, thank you for Jesus. Help us to learn from him as we learn what it
means to love people. May we find ways to yield to them so they can learn about
your love. Amen.
House Has Many Rooms
a kids' talk based on John 14:1-14
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Props: none
In today's Scripture lesson, Jesus tells us a little about heaven.
He says that he will go and prepare rooms for each of us in God's
house. What do you think? Sounds like a pretty big house
to me.
Do you have any idea what this place might look like that Jesus
will prepare for us?
Allow the children to talk...
You know, there is a Christian song that came to my
mind. They play it on the Christian radio station sometimes;
it's called: My Father's House. It has a line that goes something like
it's a big, big house,
with big, big rooms;
and a big, big yard,
where we can play football.
That made me think about, what life will be like in
heaven. Do you think the song is right, and that we will have a lot of
fun in God's house and yard?
Yes. I believe that too. What do you
think, will there be pain and tears? ....I think you are right, I too
believe that there will be no more pain; just happiness.
Let us pray: "Dear God, thank you for your promise
of a better life to come. We are looking forward to live with you in
your big, big house. In the meantime, as you prepare our rooms,
also prepare our hearts; help us to live good Christian lives that
will make you proud of us. Amen."
You may want to give
your children the assignment to draw God's big. big house and bring
the picture on the following Sunday.