Comparing 1 John with musical compositions, we have by now discovered that this epistle in
no Brandenburg Concerto that chugs relentlessly along a straight line from start to
finish. It is rather more like Ravels vertiginous Bolero, which repeats a few themes
with increasingly complex orchestration. [1] Such is what we have before us in
chapter 5-a statement that wraps around a succession of topics.
the circle of love - In the elders view, love flows in a
continuous circle originating from and returning to God (imagine a circle with
"God" at the top and turning clockwise): Love of God -- Child of God --Other
"children of God." To love God is to be a child of God and to be a child of God
is automatically to love Gods children. Such undulating love is to be manifested in
obedience to Gods commandments. Thus, through the interconnected actions of faith,
love, and obedience comes victory over the world. [2]
by water and blood - Wesley (18th century) understood "by
water" in verse 6 to refer to Jesus baptism by John and the "blood"
to refer to his death. Perhaps. But John Calvin (16th century) offers an alternate
interpretation: the water and the blood are an allusion to the death of Jesus, especially
that mentioned in John 19:34-35-the piercing of Jesus side out of which flowed a
mixture of water and blood. [3]
What do you value more than any
other aspect of faith to be the foundation upon which a relationship to God must be
built-belief? Experience? Love? Action? Why?
What needed over overcoming since you have become a Christian? How did your
relationship to God and Gods people help you to succeed?
Please see the homily for this week on
DPS which is based on 1 John 5.
