O How I Love Jesus
My Jesus, I love Thee
He Lives
Easter People, Raise Your Voices
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Jesus Joy of our Desiring
Victory in Jesus
Holy, Holy, Holy
Here I am, Lord
In the Garden
He Touched Me
Pass it On
I Love You Lord, And I Lift
Praise the Lord, I saw the Light
Surely, the Presence of the Lord is in this Place
He Touched Me
Majesty, Worship His Majesty
Open our Eyes, Lord
Open the Eyes of my heart, Lord
Freely, Freely, You Have Received, Freely, Freely Give
More Hymns for the Easter Season:
Christ is Risen
Christ is Alive
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Up From the Grave He Arose
He Rose
He Lives
Thine be the Glory
Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise
Christo Vive (Christ is Risen)
The Day of Resurrection
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Crown Him with Many Crowns
On the Day of Resurrection
Now the green Blade Riseth
The Strife is O'er the Battle Done
O Sons and Daughters, Let us Sing
Worthy is the Lamb
Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow
He is Lord
Lord, I lift Your name on High
He is Crowned With Many Crowns
He's Alive!
Lamb of God, Sweet Lamb of God