Choose from the following Children's Sermons:
God can help with anything, John 21:1-19
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
(see below)
Do You Love Jesus? John 21:1-19,
by Rev. F. Schaefer
(see below)
Sermon Seeds from DPSers
(see below)
God can help with anything
a children's sermon based on
John 21:1-19
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Good morning, my little friends. In today's lesson we read about some of
the disciples going fishing. It was their job. When they didn't travel with
Jesus they were fishermen, and since Jesus had been crucified and was no longer
there, they went back to their job: fishing.
Do you know someone who goes fishing sometime? Perhaps your dad or your
grandpa? Have you ever gone fishing? What do you need to fish? Fishing poles?
Bait? Nets? Rain gear? Lunch? A boat (if you go boat fishing)?
Well, the disciples had fished all through the night and guess how many fish
they caught? Try 0. That's right, they didn't catch any fish!
Just when they were ready to give up, along comes what they think is a
stranger. It was really Jesus, but they didn't recognize Jesus, because he
looked a little different after he was raised from the dead.
Jesus told the disciples: why don't you try to throw the net out on the other
side of the boat. The disciples were probably wondering about this man. Who
was he to give them advice? He probably didn't look like a fisherman. But the
disciples do what the stranger suggested anyhow. And what do you know: when
they pulled in the nets, there were almost too many fish in the boat.
It was only later that they recognized that it was Jesus talking
to them. Just like in real life. Sometimes we need help too in our daily
lives. Sometimes we get frustrated because things don't work. What do you
think? Can God help us in those situations? You bet! We can always pray to God
and God will always listen.
Sometimes God will talk to us and help us through other people,
and sometimes even through a stranger. And sometimes God will give us ideas.
One thing is for sure: God can help us with anything. Can you repeat after me?
(invite the kids to repeat your words) God....can help...with anything! Just
remember that kids. It's true. Amen.
Do You Love Jesus?
a children's sermon based on John 21:1-19:
by Rev. F. Schaefer
Props: a simple little song that expresses our
love to Jesus (if you don't know any, try making one up).
Good morning, boys and girls, today I would like to share a
story with you. It is the story of the Lord Jesus asking Peter: "do you love
me?" That's a pretty significant question to ask someone. Has anybody ever
asked you this question: "do you love me?" Who asked it? Mom or dad? A
boyfriend or girlfriend? What did you answer?
Usually, I think, people ask the question: "do you love me?"
because they may not be sure that we love them. And that may have been true
when the Lord Jesus asked Peter: "do you love me?"
The Lord Jesus wasn't so sure about Peter's love for him,
because Peter had actually betrayed the Lord. When they nailed our Lord to the
cross, on that same day, they asked Peter: "aren't you one of Jesus'
disciples?" And guess what Peter said? He actually said: "no, I'm not his
disciple, I don't even know that Jesus." And he did that three times.
And after he denied the Lord Jesus three times, how do you think
he felt? That's right, he felt terrible. The bible tells us that he actually
wept, that's how bad he felt.
When the Lord Jesus saw him again after being raised from the
dead, he really wanted to know whether Peter still loved him. The Lord Jesus
asked him three times: "do you love me, Peter?" He asked him just as many times
as Peter denied him--three times.
And after Jesus asked Peter: "do you love me?" Peter said: "you
know I love you, Lord." Then Jesus asked: "Do you really love me, Peter? And
Peter said: "yes, Lord, I really love you." And then the Lord asked him a third
time: "Peter, do you love me?"
And that time Peter felt a little sad that Jesus would ask a
third time. It was almost like the Lord Jesus didn't believe him. And then he
probably remembered that he had denied being Jesus's disciple three times. And
he said: "Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you." And then Jesus
knew that Peter really loved him.
What would you say to Jesus if he asked you: "do you really love
me?" I'm sure most of us would say: "yes, Lord, I love you." And you know
what? I think it would make our Lord Jesus really happy if we told him this
morning that we love him.
Instead of ending with a prayer, I'd like to invite you to sing
a little song with me today that's called: "I Love You, Jesus"
I love you Jesus, deep down in my heart
I love you Jesus, deep down in my heart
Talking about deep, deep, down, down
Deep down in my heart (2x)
Other Songs:
"I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart
Where? Down in my heart, down in my heart
...down in my heart to stay."
"Jesus I love you, Jesus I love you, Jesus I love you, yes I do (I need you, I
praise you...)"
"I love you Lord, and I lift my voice"
"My Jesus I love Thee"
Sermon Seeds from DPSers:
#1 Just as Ananias did not know what the outcome of meeting Paul would be,
but he went ahead because he trusted God. So have the children put their hand in
an empty bag with an unknown object because they trust you. Perhaps inside could
be a treat for each child or a paper with the words "Trust God".
#2 "Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!" So goes the Christian
greeting during this Easter season. It is our "pep" song--our cheer for the good
news that Jesus lives. It is a song of victory! Invite the children to practice
this greeting with joy and enthusiasm. Provide opportunities for them to say it
throughout the service. Encourage everyone to use this greeting outside of
worship too. Greet fellow Christians with this Easter proclamation instead of
our traditional cultural greeting of "Hi, how are you?"...Just fine" and they
just might find their day taking on a fresh meaning!