Salt of the earth, Matthew
(see below)
HW in HI
Law and
Faith--Two Guardrails to Guide us!
Matthew 5: 17-20,
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Doing the Right Thing,
Matthew 5:13-20,
by Dr. David Rogne
Taste and See,
Matthew 5:13-20,
by Rev. Randy Quinn
Zesty Christians, Matthew
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
little light of mine, Matthew 5:13-20,
Touching the King, Isaiah
58:1-12, Nail-Bender in NC
Salt of the earth
Matthew 17:1-9
HW in HI
Salt of the earth. If someone says you are the salt of the earth, it
means you are a good person, probably without a lot of pretense.
Probably a lot of people here would not mind being called the salt of
the earth.
Now salt can be good or bad. We use it for our food, mostly, but too
much salt can give people heart problems. You can find "salt substitute"
in a lot of our homes. Salt was a different thing for people 2,000 years
ago than it is today. Salt in older days was good for preserving food,
for healing, for enhancing the taste of food.
So it is time to travel back a couple of thousand years to a time
very different than our own. Ovens were made of earth. Jesus spoke
Aramaic, and in Armaic, the same word is used for oven as for earth. So
when Jesus said "You are the salt of the earth", he could very well have
been saying "You are the salt of the oven."
Nowadays, when we light an oven we generally push a switch or turn
a dial. If it is an older gas oven we might just light a match. Or maybe
we cook on an outdoor grill, again, we light a match. But those earthen
ovens of thousands of years ago did not use electricity or gas or
charcoal. And in most homes they did not use wood. They burnt dried
manure. And they used salt to ignite it. Salt accumulated by the sea in
big piles. The pure salt would ignite the ovens. The old salt would not.
So when Jesus says to us, "You are the salt of the earth." He is
saying that we are what is used to ignite something. To make something
burn. To get something going.
What is really interesting is that he doesn't say, "Go and be the
salt of the earth." He doesn't say, "You are called to be the salt of
the earth." He says, "You Are. " Moses asked God who he was, and God
said, "I am that I am". And Jesus told us "You are the salt of the
What's really interesting is that he didn't say, "You are and you are
and you are." He used the plural. You folks are the salt of the earth.
Together. Go ignite something!
And in case we don't get it, in case the culture of 2,000 years ago
has gotten a bit distant for us, he told us again: You are the light of
the world. Not I want you to be the light of the world. But you folks
are. Let your light shine.
Episcopalians don't really want to let our lights shine. Well, maybe,
a small and appropriate light. Most of us really don't respond well to
someone insisting on telling us about the kingdom. Most of us aren't
anxious to shout our faith from the roof tops.
Episcopalians have been called a lot of things. We've all heard them.
"E-whiskopalians." Or "country club Christians." The "frozen chosen." We
could take offense. But religious types have names like this for every
denomination. Rather like the old light bulb jokes. Maybe you've heard
How many Charismatics does it take to change a light bulb? One to
change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.
How many Calvinists does it take to change a light bulb? None. God
has predestined when the light will be on. Calvinists do not change
light bulbs. They simply read the instructions and pray the light bulb
will be one that has been chosen to be changed.
How many Baptists does it take to change a light bulb? Change? My
grandmother gave the church that light bulb!
How many TV evangelists does it take to change a light bulb? One. But
for the message of light to continue, send in your donation today.
How many independent fundamentalists does it take to change a light
bulb? Only one, because any more might result in too much cooperation.
How many liberals does it take to change a light bulb? At least ten,
as they need to hold a debate on whether or not the light bulb exists.
Even if they can agree upon the existence of the light bulb, they still
might not change it, to keep from alienating those who might use other
forms of light.
How many Catholics does it take to change a light bulb? None. Only
candles are permitted.
How many Epicopalians does it take to change a light bulb? The
changing of the light bulb requires the approval by voice vote at two
consecutive general conventions, to be proceeded by a proposed change
circulated by the standing light committee, to be circulated for comment
for a minimum of 24 months. The rubric for the number required will then
be reflected in our canons. Until that time. no unauthorized changing of
light bulbs will be permitted, except as required for sensitivity to
diverse cultures.
Let's go back a bit to the "frozen chosen." What do people mean by
that? It's not so bad, really. I can't imagine that they mean that we
aren't welcoming in our churches. We are, really. Outside just about
every Episcopal church in this country is a sign saying The Episcopal
Church Welcomes You.
I do believe they mean that we aren't shouters from the rooftops. We
are hardly even knockers on doors or callers on the phone. Maybe that is
why they call us frozen. But we don't have to be. Frozen.
There is a priest named Howard Hanchey. He teaches at Virginia
Theological seminary, and he's spent a bit of time studying our
parishes. He says it is wonderful if we take our faith into the
community and preach from street corners or whatever. But he knows that
makes most of us pretty uncomfortable.
The Rev. Hanchey offers us a new understanding of evangelism. He says
that God will send people to our church. God will send these people here
and they will come seeking God and looking for a place that is their
kind of place. Some will be Episcopalians who've moved and are looking
for a church home. Some will have been away from the church for a long
time, and are deciding whether or not this church will work for them.
Some will come looking for "something", not knowing exactly what.
And you know, I think he's right. God has been sending us people
almost every Sunday since I've been here. Sometimes even a dozen people. Hanchey believes that the most important thing we can do is to welcome
those newcomers. This form of spreading God's love is the first and most
important for any parish. And this would be welcoming the people who
seem to be similar to you, and also the people who seem quite different.
Is the newcomer half your age? Wonderful, let us welcome him. Is the
newcomer much older than you? Welcome her! Is there a young child or
even a baby? Let us remember how very important our Lord said it is for
us to lead them to God. Did their ancestors come from a different part
of the world? Good, they are welcome. Do they not have even two nickels
in their pocket? Jesus died with just the clothes on his back. Of
course, they are welcome.
(At this time I will ask the Boy Scouts to come forward -- we are
recognizing Scout Sunday--and ask them to help me. We will place an ice
cube in a tumbler of water and try to lift it out with a string. Then we
will add salt to the ice cube, and try to lift it out. We will then add
salt, and hope it works.)
As we life out the ice cube from the glass, remember that Jesus said
you are the salt of the earth. Igniting the world. Letting the light of
Christ shine. And helping out the frozen chosen. Amen.