Choose from the following Children's Sermon(s):
- Don't Worry--God Will Care for You! (please scroll down)
Worry--God Will Care for You!
a children's sermon based on Matthew 6:26-33
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Props: a bird's nest (a basket with straw will do) and a chicken egg
(hard-boiled), placed in the nest.
Good morning boys and girls. Today, I brought something with me that you can find
outside: a bird's nest with an egg. Don't worry, the egg is just a chicken egg out of my
refrigerator. There isn't a living chick inside. But later we're going to pretend that it
does have a live chick inside. Where do you find nests like this? (backyard, trees,
shrubs...) And who takes care of the eggs? (mother/father bird)
You know, sometimes a storm knocks a nest like this out of the tree and the eggs fall
to the ground. Some time ago, I heard about a little boy who found a bird's egg on the
grass right in his own backyard. What do you think he did when he found the egg on the
ground? He took it inside so he could save the little bird inside. And he took care of the
Would you do that if you found an egg on the ground? Would you take care of a little
chick inside the egg? How would you take care of it? Would you protect it? Allow the
children to share, give them the egg to show how. It doesn't matter whether what they say
is practical or not, just allow them to share their love and compassion.
Conclusion: would you ever forget about the egg for a day or two? Or
would you make sure that it stays warm and protected at all times? You know, in our
bible lesson from Matthew today, Jesus said to his disciples: God takes great care of the
birds of the sky and the flowers of the field. He cares so much for the birds that
he lets them find food and twigs so they can make their own nest.
I want you to know this morning that God loves you and cares for you even more than for
all the birds of the air. In fact, Jesus said: "aren't you worth more in God's
eyes than a bird? Therefore, do not worry about the future, for God will take care
of you."
God will always watch over you. God will never leave you out of his sight, not
even for a little while. God will always care for you. God has promised to be faithful to
you and me.
Let us thank God for his faithfulness and his love and his protection
for us:
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your words; thank you for
reminding us of the birds in the sky and trees that you feed and clothe.
Thank you for telling us that our Father in Heaven loves us too and
promises to take care of our needs. Amen.