Rise, Shine You People
Praise and Thanksgiving Be to God
For the Beauty of the Earth
Fairest Lord Jesus
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine
Grace Greater than Our Sin
When Jesus Came to Jordan
We Know that Christ is Raised
Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters
Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine
You Have Put on Christ
Father of Creation
Great Are Your Works
Shout to the Lord
Let it Rise
Glorify Thy Name
Lord, I Believe in You
Spirit Song
He Who Began a Good Work in You
Jesus, Name Above All Names
I'm Forever Grateful
Hymn of the Week:
Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine
click here to
listen to the tune (by hymnsite.com)
Come, let us use the grace divine, and all with one accord, in a perpetual covenant join
ourselves to Christ the Lord; Give up ourselves, thru Jesus' power, his name to glorify;
and promise, in this sacred hour, for God to live and die.
2. The covenant we this moment make be ever kept in mind; we will no more our God forsake,
or cast these words behind. We never will throw off the fear of God who hears our vow; and
if thou art well pleased to hear, come down and meet us now.
3. Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, let all our hearts receive, present with thy
celestial host the peaceful answer give; to each covenant the blood apply which takes our
sins away, and register our names on high and keep us to that day!