A Call to Worship (based on Psalm 121)
L: I lift up my eyes to the hills-- from where will my help come?
P: My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
L: He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
P: He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
L: The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not
strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
P: The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
All: The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from
this time on and forevermore. Come let us Worship the LORD!
A Prayer reflecting the lessons
God of Love and Mercy, we turn to you as we continue our journey through Lent.
During these 40 days, we ask you to search our souls, create in us a clean
heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Help us to heed Christ's call for a
spiritual rebirth; enable us as you claim our lives and call us into a new land of your
God of Promise and Grace, fulfill your promises to us as we put our trust
in you as Abraham and Sarah did. Lord, we turn to you because you are our light and
salvation. Keep us in your arms, bless us, and lead us by your mighty hand. Amen.
A Prayer of Confession for Lent
O Lord our God, good and merciful, I acknowledge all my sins which I have committed every
day of my life, in thought, word and deed; in body and soul alike. I am sincerely sorry
that I have offended you, and I truly repent. I humbly ask you, O Lord: by your great
mercy forgive me all my past transgressions and absolve me from them. I firmly resolve,
with the help of your Holy Spirit, to amend my way of life with the goal to sin no more;
that I may walk in the way of the righteous and offer praise and glory to the Name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Penitential prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of idleness,
faint-heartedness, lust of power, and vain talk. Instead, give to me, Your servant, the
spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love. Yes, O Lord and King, grant me to see my
own faults and not to judge my brother, for You are Blessed from all ages to all
ages. Amen.
Prayer for Protection on the Journey
by Rev. Thomas Hall
O God and Father us all, You are the Sovereign who
journeys with us through our own pilgrimage on your earth.
You are over us to protect us when the future seems uncertain and we
know not what terrors or violence threatens our nations or
neighborhoods. We pray for your protection during times of great fear
that would undo our trust in you.
You walk beside us as a companion to offer conversation and guidance.
Through your church that you loved and gave your life for, you call us
to the high order, to listen to your Words through Scripture and
hymnody and song to encourage your pilgrim friends. Forgive us for
walking through life as if we needed no Friend nor Teacher; for
traveling as if we could journey alone without help. Open our ears to
hear your words and our eyes to see your Presence as you walk with us.
Thank you holy God for your Son who walks ahead of us and bids us to
follow him. Help us to keep in step and to keep our focus on who leads
us beyond ourselves. We acknowledge Christ as our Source and Guide.
Through him we will safely complete our travels and rest in You.
May our passions be crucified and may we imitate you in all things—in
gentleness and compassion for all. For in your holy name we pray,
Children's Prayer:
"Dear God, we thank you for the many gifts we have received from you. Help us,
Lord, to understand this lesson that you bless us so that we can bless others around us.
Closing Prayer
reflecting the Lectionary Passages
O Lord our God, teach us to live in the Spirit and be mindful of all that Jesus endured
and sacrificed for our sakes, and how he was made perfect through sufferings.
Help us to respond to your call and claim upon our life. Bless us Lord, so that we
may bless others in your holy Name. As we go forth empower us to live as those being
born from above, so that we may loose the bonds of sin, heal the sick and liberate the
oppressed; through the grace of Christ Jesus our crucified and risen Savior. Amen.
Closing Prayer (in unison)
traditional Navaho
Before us it is blessed, behind us it is blessed
below us it is blessed, above us it is blessed,
around us it is blessed as we set out with Christ.
Our speech is blessed as we set out for God.
With beauty before us, with beauty behind us,
with beauty below us, with beauty above us,
with beauty around us, we set out for a holy place indeed.