Choose from the
following children's sermons:
- Never Alone,
Mark 1:9-15
By Rev. Randy Quinn
(see below)
- Rainbow--God's Deal with Noah
Genesis 6-8,
by Rev. Frank Schaefer (see below)
- Lead us Not Into Temptation, Mark 1:9-15
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
(please scroll down)
Never Alone
based on Mark 1:9-15
By Rev. Randy Quinn
Do any of you like scary stories?
What about scary movies?
Do you like to be scared?
Some people like to be surprised, but most of us don’t like being
And some people think it’s brave when we do scary things – but being
brave has more to do with doing what’s right, no matter what might
happen to us. It isn’t about being scared – although sometimes brave
people are afraid of what might happen.
What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been?
What made it so scary?
When I think of scary places, I always think of being
someplace all by myself. It never seems scary if I’m with other people. How
about you?
In the scripture we’re going to hear in a few minutes,
Jesus goes to a scary place. No one went into the desert unless they had to.
Wild animals lived there, not people. So he was all alone – sort of. Who else
was with him? God was. And if you pay attention, you’ll realize that angels
were there, too.
We are never really alone. And if that’s what we’re afraid
of, Jesus reminds us that there is nothing to fear. God is here.
Let’s pray: God, sometimes we get scared. We think
things might happen and we worry. When that happens, remind us that you are
with us. Help us remember that even Jesus was able to be in scary places
because he knew you were there. We pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Rainbow--God's Deal with Noah
a children's sermon based on Genesis 9:8-17
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Props: a piece of large paper (from an easel, etc) and some
crayons (wax pens)
Good to see all of you this morning. Today, I thought we could talk
about one of my favorite things in the whole wide world: the rainbow. I think
they are so pretty.
Do you think we could draw a rainbow with these crayons I brought?
Who knows about the colors of a rainbow? (get 4 or 5 volunteers to draw and others to help
determine where the colors go)
Well, I think this is a very good representation of a rainbow. What
do you think? (Hold the drawing up so all can see it). Yes, just looking at this
drawing makes me happy already.
Who knows about the beginning of the rainbow? Who can help me tell
the story of Noah?
Recount the story of Noah, the ark, the flood, and the rainbow by
asking the children questions about the story as you tell it.
You know, God made a deal with Noah and all people after him, never to
destroy the earth by a flood. And as a sign, God created the rainbow. And, as you
know, the rainbow will always appear after it rained.
You know, some rains and some thunderstorms are pretty scary, but when
they're over, the rainbow appears and we remember God's promise. So every time you
are in a thunderstorm and you are frightened, remember that God has made a deal with all
people. And then you can look forward to seeing a rainbow in the sky.
Somebody once said that a rainbow is really God standing on his head and
smiling after eating skittles. I don't believe God is standing on his head, I'm not
sure whether God eats skittles, but I am pretty sure that God smiles upon us and blesses
us. Amen.
Lead us Not Into Temptation
A children's sermon based on Mark 1:9-15
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Props: a bag of candy (tootsie rolls, etc)
Pick an attentive child and show him/her your bag of candy. Do
you like this kind of candy? What would you be willing to do for it? Could you be
tempted to do something bad? For instance, if I said, you can have the whole bag if
you play a trick on someone (toilet paper somebody's car, spray silly string into
someone's face, place a whoopee cushion on somebody's chair), would you do it? Are
you sure? What if I would promise you two bags? What's your price? Could
you be tempted at all?
Well, as you may have guessed, to day's lesson is on temptation.
Just as I tried to feel you out to see if you could be tempted, Jesus was
tempted by the devil. The devil was dangling all kinds of things in front of Jesus
and basically said: you can have all these things if you worship me.
What do think, Jesus told him? That's right, he told him to take a
hike. Actually, Jesus quoted Scripture at the devil. He said: "it is
written that you shall worship God alone, and nobody else." And when the devil
saw that he couldn't tempt Jesus,he left him alone.
Jesus was tempted, and even though he didn't give into the temptations by
the devil, Jesus knew that temptation was hard for people. That's why he taught us
to pray: "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
What do you think? Do we need to pray that prayer? I think you
are right. How about praying it right now:
"Dear God, there are so many temptations around us. Lead us
not into temptation, Lord; but if we should be tempted, please help us how to say
"no" to the temptation. Amen."
Hand out the candy after the prayer!