Hosannah, loud Hosannah
All Glory Laud, and Honor
Alleluia, Alleluia
Lift up your Heads Ye mighty Gates
Be Joyful
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
All Hail King Jesus
Lift High the Cross
Come Christians Join to Sing
Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart
All Praise to Thee, o King Divine
Victory in Jesus
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Crown Him King of Kings
At the Name of Jesus
Mantos Y Palmas (Filled with Excitement)
Precious Name
Jesus the Name High over All
This is the Day that the Lord has Made
His Name is Wonderful
Lord I Lift Your Name on High
Lord, Our God, How Majestic
Hosannah, Hosannah
There is Something about that Name
He is exalted, the King is Exalted
He is Lord
Lamb of God