Choose from the following Children's Sermons:
- God's Words Are Falling Like Seeds, Mt.13:1-9; 18-23
by Rev. Frank Schaefer (see below)
- Getting Along With Our Brothers And Sisters,
Gen. 25:19-34
by Rev. Frank Schaefer (see below)
God's Words Are Falling Like Seeds Into Our Hearts
a children's sermon based on Mt.13:1-9; 18-23
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
props: You may want to put on a jeans overall and bring in a burlap
sack with some grain or other seeds.
Welcome, my little friends, I got a question for you today: who knows what farmers do?
(let the children list up some things).
As you can see, I tried to dress up like a farmer and I also brought a burlap sack with
me. Who can guess what's inside? (Yes, that's right) I've got seeds in here. Of course,
today most farmers use machines to seed their fields, but back in Jesus' days (and up
until 60-70 years ago) farmers used a sack like this filled with seeds and they stuck in
their hand as they walked the fields, grabbing a handful of seeds (like so), and throwing
the seeds out into the field.
What do you think, will all seeds grow into plants that farmers toss out (shake head)?
Why not? What happens to the ones that don't make it? (Get eaten by birds, fall on rocks,
among weeds).
Jesus says it is the same way with God's words--you know the words that are in the
bible, the message of Jesus and how he loves us. The Words of God fall on many people.
Where can people hear the words of God? (in church, reading the bible, on TV, the radio,
going to Christian concerts, testimonies ...). Many people hear the words of Gods, but are
all of those people Christians (shake head)? No.
Why not? Because some people have hearts of stones. It's like the seeds falling on
rock, the words of God bounce right off of them.
Some people have hearts filled with cares, they worry so much about things that they
forget about the most important thing: God's love.
But, if the words of God fall on people with soft hearts then they grow to be good
Christian people. It's like the seeds falling in the soft soil, where they can grow. What
do you think, do you want to have soft hearts where God's words can fall and grow in you
(nod slightly)? Let us pray that God will give us soft hearts so that we can hear and
understand his words and grow to be like Jesus . . . .
Getting Along With Our Brothers And Sisters
a children's sermon seed based on Gen. 25:19-34
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Share the story of Esau and Jacob in your own words
from the perspective of a child. Dramatize the conversation the two had ("Esau
was so hungry, he was almost starving; he may have even said; 'I'd give anything for a
bite to eat.' ")
Perhaps his brother Jacob knew that Esau had a weakness with food.
And Jacob was a pretty slick brother; I think Jacob may have even tricked his
brother. Because, one day when Esau had been without food for a long day, he smelled
the soup his brother Jacob made...and Esau gave away his birthright (explain) for
a bite to eat. What do you think: would you give away your birthright or something
very valuable for a bowl of soup if you were really hungry?
Ask the children if they ever fight with their brothers and/or sisters or
whether they ever trick them, then move toward the question whether they think that God
was pleased with what was going on between Esau and Jacob. Of course, the answer is
no. God loves all of his children, he wants to bless all of them, and he wants them
to get along with each other.
Lead in a prayer asking God to give us love for one another.