Whats Therefore There For?
The text begins with "therefore," which recollects Pauls story of the
gospel generally in the first eight chapters and chapters 9-11 in particular.
"Therefore," invites the listening community to look backward to recall
Gods general and specific mercies, but it also points forward to the impact that
such mercies will have on us.
- Offering God Worship Another meaning-laden word is worship. But
what kind of worship?
. . . the opening verse indicates that the foundation of all Christian obedience is
that those in Christ, indwelt by the Spirit, are to offer to God the true sacrificial
worship to which the cult of the Jerusalem Temple had all along pointed. [1]
- The Medium Through Which We Offer God Worship The gifts listed
in vs. 6-8 are charismata, or spiritual gifts which overlap with other gifts listings. The
list is just thata list. Seven charismata form this list, though that list differs
from others. The main point: God gives the church grace for its multiple tasksand it
is reflected in uniqueness and extraordinary variety. [2]
Paul warns us not to conform to
this world (v. 2); in what areas is the Christian community conforming where perhaps we
- How does the renewing of the mind happen?
- Wayne Codeiro asks the gifts/ministry question in a fresh way: what is it you do that
when youre doing it, provides maximum effectiveness and minimum weariness? What do
you do that is like Christmas all over again?
See DPSs homily for this Sunday
based on this passage, entitled, Round Pegs in Square Holes?
[1] New Interpreters Bible X (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002), page 704.
[2] Ibid., page 694.
