"Think this
among you which also in Christ Jesus." Thats the Greek text literally
translated. How do we supply the missing verb? To supply a "to be" verb points
to the imitation of Christ, but Paul may have instead wanted convey this idea: "show
among yourselves the attitude that arises from the fact that you are in Christ." The
difference is between a command to have the attitude that was in Christ Jesus and the
command to have an attitude that belongs to those who are in him. That is, it is the
difference between imitation and kergyma. [1]
harpagmos (v 6) something to be "grasped" (NRSV). [
NIV = "exploited;" NLT = "demand and cling to;" TEV = "by force
he should try to remain equal;" Philips = "did not cling to his prerogatives as
Gods equal." ] Apparently, much debate over the language and meaning of this
word; however, "to be exploited" seems closest to reaching
consensusequality with God was something that Christ already possessed, but which he
chose not to use for his own advantage.
Christ did not cease to be in the form of God when he took the form of a
slave, any more than he ceased to be the Son of God when he was sent into the
world. On the contrary, it is in his self-emptying and his humiliation that he reveals
what God is like, and it is through his taking the form of a slave that we see the
form of God. [2]
This piece of early Christian
hymnody could move in two directions in a homily. First, the hymn provides a teaching
about Christ. Like Johns prologue, incarnation begins outside of time and space and
becomes particularized in our own time/space world.
- The piece could also present for us Jesus as the model of humility; the entire movement
would have astonished readers of the first century; such a heavenly narrative could never
have resulted in a servants harness. Yet, that very journey has inspired thousands
of those who bear his name to follow down that road of humility.
- In either case this piece might simply teach that "This is the gospel. This is what
God is like. This is what God has done for you, and this is what God expects you to be
like. Work out what that means yourselves!" [3]
For an example of blocking a homily on
this passage, please see the DPS homily archive for September 2, 2001.
[1] The New Interpreters Bible XI (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000), p. 507.
[2] Ibid, p. 508.
[3] Ibid, p. 516.
