Next Steps The previous
chapter left us with a severe rupture of relationship caused by the golden calf incident.
This chapter and lesson reflects a series of steps toward rapprochement, Moses being the
negotiating go-between. At stake is a people dissolving to no people, thus, the
possibility of Israels future survival and well-being depends on Gods promise
and presence. [1]
Yada The speeches of Moses in this chapter are intriguing and
masterfully written. For example, the writer plays with the verb "to know
You have not let me know
You said, I know
Show me that I may know
Knowing God Moses wants to know, to have intimate assurances.
What is it that Moses wants to know? Moses wants to know whom God will send with them into
the future. What will be Gods relationship with us as we go into the future? But the
reverse occursMoses wants to know, but ends up by being known.
How does the Tent of Meeting (vs.
7-11) serve as a break in the action of chapters 32-33?
- Why would Moses seek Gods face at a time like this? What were the people
- Where do you meet with God? What does meeting with God as a friend mean to Moses? Do you
consider God a friend?
- What three concerns does Moses bring to God? What do these concerns have in common with
the people?
Please see the homily, "Spurned Lover," based on this
passage on this weeks DPS.
[1] New Interpreters Bible I (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994), page 938.