Promise of redemption/
Freedom from oppression
Behold the Savior of Mankind (First Lesson)
Thy Holy Wings, O Savior (First Lesson)
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me (First Lesson)
Christ, Mighty Savior (First Lesson)
Do not judge others
Blest Be the Tie that Binds
Help Us Accept Each Other
Jesus We Look to Thee
Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love
Don't worry, trust God!
Trust And Obey
God Will Take Care of You (First Lesson)
His Eye is on the Sparrow (First Lesson)
I Will Fight the Fight
Shout To the Lord, All the Earth Let Us Sing
This is the Day
Rejoice in the Lord Always
I'm Forever Grateful
I Am Amazed At Your Love
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever
Great Is The Lord, And Most Worthy of Praise