Choose from the following children's sermons:
- When the Going Gets Rough, Gen. 21:8-21, by Rev Frank
(see below)
Counting Hairs, Matthew 10:30, by Rev. Frank Schaefer
(please scroll down)
When the Going Gets Rough...God
Hears Us.
a children's sermon based on Genesis 21:8-21
by Rev Frank Schaefer
Good morning boys and girls. Today's OT lesson is about a woman named
Hagar. She was a single mother and one day she lost her home and
was stranded in the wilderness with her little boy. Have you ever
been in a wilderness or a desert? Is this a good place to be, do
you think?
What do you think, Hagar and her little boy met with in the
- No food
- no water
- no bed to sleep in
- no roof over their heads . . .
You know, life can take a wrong turn for anybody. One day, even
we might find ourselves in the wilderness. Of course I am not
necessarily talking about a real desert. I am talking about hard
times we may face; maybe when we get into a fight with someone; or
when we get in trouble in school and get a detention; or when we get
ill, or when we get into an accident; or when we loose something
or someone that we love; etc.
You know there is one thing we can always do when the going gets
rough. And guess what? Hagar in our OT story did the very
thing I am talking about. What do you think we can always do when
we're in trouble? That's right, we can pray.
We can pray that God will help us through. We can pray that God
can give us courage; that God can give us strength, and that he can save
us. Because when we pray, we talk to God. Do you think that God
hears you when you talk to him? You better believe it. God
deeply cares for us and God will always help us when we need him.
God also heard Hagar's prayer and saved her from the wilderness.
God said to Hagar: don't worry, I will take care of you and your son.
She and her son were able to find a new home and made a new life for
themselves and lived happily ever after.
So don't you ever forget: when the going gets rough, start praying,
because God is listening and he is ready to help us. Amen.
Counting Hairs
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Text: Matthew 10:30: "And even the
hairs of your head are all counted."
Greetings, young church. Today I'd like to share with you a verse
from our Gospel lesson. In it Jesus says: "And even the hairs of your head
are all counted."
How many hairs do you think you have on your head? 10? more
than 10? How about 20? A lot more than 20? How about 100? hands
up; who thinks its 100? Only a few hands? How about 1000? Who thinks
there are 1000 hairs on your head?
Can anybody count all the hairs on your head you think? No, that's
right; there are just too many. It would take a long time. And, furthermore,
once you'd be done counting all of them the number would probably not be correct anymore,
because a few hairs fall out every day, and perhaps a few will grow on your young heads.
(Tongue-in-cheek:) Of course, with some of the men in the congregation the
counting wouldn't be that much of a problem, because some don't have that many hairs left
on their head.
The point is that God knows everything about you; every little
detail. There is nothing that God doesn't know about you; that's how much God cares
about you. That's what Jesus is saying with his example of the hair. And that is a
great thought, that God cares so much for you and me.
Let us give thanks to God for his great love and care for us. Let us
bow our heads and pray: "Dear God, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts that
you love and care for us so much that you even know the exact number of hairs on our
heads. Thank you for watching over us and for being with us. Amen."