Choose from the following children's
1) Sharing the Jesus Way--the Incredible Story of
St. Martin,
by Rev. F Schaefer
2) What If The King Were to Visit You,
Christ the King,
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
3) Of Kings And Crowns, Christ the
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Sharing the Jesus Way--the story of St. Martin
(Although St. Martin's Day is Nov 11 this story lends itself well with Mt.
25:31-46, especially since this feast day is mostly observed in Germany)
This version composed by Rev. Frank Schaefer

A long time ago in the country of France, a soldier by the name of Martin rode on his
horse into the town of "Amiens." It was a cold and snowy winter day and,
as he rode through the gates, his eye fell on a beggar who was half naked and shivering
from the cold. Martin had compassion on this poor beggar and he knew in his heart
that the right thing to do was to help this poor man.
So he drew his sword and cut his coat into two pieces. One half of
the coat he gave to the poor man and the other half he put back on. And there were
angels that were standing around them. And the Lord said to his angels: "Martin
who is not even a believer yet, has clothed me with his coat."
Right then, Martin recognized Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He
became a humble servant of the church, helping a lot of poor people and spreading the
What If The King Were to Visit You
A kids' talk based on Christ the King Sunday
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Ask the children what preparations they would make if the king/queen (president/prime
minister/chancellor/a very important person) were to come to their house. Would they
clean their rooms? Put the dirty clothes into the hamper? Vacuum the
carpet? Scrub the bathroom . . .?
Ask them why they would get everything shiny and clean? Because we want to make a good
impression on the king? Because we want to make the king feel comfortable?
Because we want to show respect to the king? Because we feel honored to be chosen?
Because we want to give our best to the king?
Tell the children that Jesus was made the highest King by God, and that's what we
celebrate today--Christ's reign as King over all the earth. And the most
amazing thing is that Christ the King can also live in our hearts if we ask him to.
Don't you agree that that's exciting? The King of the whole world wants to come into
our lives. So, just as you said you would clean up for the visit by an earthly king,
we better clean up our hearts for Christ the King; we need to clean up our acts: get rid
of sin, stop lying, cheating, calling others names, etc...
Prayer (if your congregation is of an evangelical persuasion, you may want to take this
opportunity to help the kids ask king Jesus into their hearts).
Of Kings And Crowns
A kids' talk based on Christ the King
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
props: have different crowns made from paper, cardboard, plastic (eg.
burger king crown, a wisemen crown from the Christmas play, a tiara, and perhaps a crown
of thorns).
Good morning, my little friends; today, I would like to show you my
collection of crowns. Aren't they pretty? Show your crowns, let some of
the children try them.
Now, who's wearing a crown? What kind of person? That's right: a
king or a queen. Perhaps a prince or princess...and Mr. Burger King.
Today, we are celebrating a special Sunday--today we celebrate Jesus, the
king. What does a king do? (Let the children share)
Yes, a king does all these things. A king has a lot of influence and
power. And that is true for Jesus, too. But Jesus is a good king and he uses
his power in a good way: to help people, to heal them and to save them.
He is also a humble king; a king who came to live in poor conditions,
being born in a barn. And his only crown he wore when he was among us was a crown of
thorns (if you have one, hold it up). And because Jesus was so good and
humble, God made him the most high King. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of
Prayer: "Dear King Jesus, we thank you that you are a good King--the
best King in the whole wide world. We thank you that you love us and that you care
for us, that we can trust in your mighty kingdom forever. Amen."