Choose from the following children's sermons:
Jesus goes with us, Matthew 28:16-20, by
Rev. Randy Quinn
Illustration from the Tripod,
Frank Schaefer
Trinity Sundae,
by Susan in San Pedro
Three Circles--in One Chain,
by Alex in Ohio
Jesus goes with us.
a children's sermon based on Matthew 28:16-20
by Rev. Randy Quinn
Props: I have my globe with me.
Do you know what this is? It’s a globe. It shows what the world
looks like – well sort of. The world doesn’t really have different
colors where the countries are, but this is where the different
countries are.
Can you find where we live? (The older children will be able to,
I’m sure.)
Have any of you ever traveled to another part of the world? Where
have you been? (I have no idea where these children may have
I’ve only been to a few places outside of our country, but one of
them is a place where a member of our church lives now – right here in
Japan! (Keith Van Eaton lives there now.)
Jesus told us to go everywhere in the world and share the good news
of his love. No one of us can go everywhere, but we can all go
somewhere – even if that “somewhere” is right here in Sunnyside!
Wherever we go, Jesus says we should share his love and teach people
how to live.
But you know what else Jesus said? He said that he would go with
us. It doesn’t matter where we go – whether we go to another place on
the globe or out into space – Jesus goes with us.
And for that, I’m thankful.
Let’s pray:
Jesus, thank you for loving us. Thank you for loving everyone in
the world, no matter where they live. And thank you for going with us
no matter where we go. Help us remember that you are with us and want
us to share your love with people wherever we go. Amen.
1) Illustration from the Tripod
a children's sermon for Trinity Sunday
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Props: three sticks
Good morning boys and girls, who can
tell me what we are celebrating today? This is not an easy
question, and the word I'm looking for isn't easy either.
Why don't I tell you? Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday.
Trinity is a word which means
"three." The church believes that God is three
...and yet, one. So today we celebrate our one God who is
three persons in one. What do you think are those persons:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I know, I know, some of you probably
want to ask: how can this be? Three persons in one? Well,
you're absolutely right. This is not easy to understand.
the Trinity of God is one of the great mysteries.
In order to understand the threeness
of God a little better, there are some good illustrations from
nature. I brought this morning three sticks with me and I
would like to stand them up (build a tripod). You
see how beautiful the three sticks are standing together? They
support each other. Just like the three persons in God
support each other.
Now, do you think that two sticks
propped against each other could stand up? (let the kids
try). That doesn't seem to work very well, does it?
What about just one stick? Do you think one stick could be made to
stand up straight? Not likely.
so it is with God. God revealed
himself in three different persons and all of these persons have an
important task. God the father is our creator, Jesus is our
savior (redeemer), and the Spirit is our helper and comforter.
We need God to be all three in order to stand in our faith.
Let us bow our heads and pray: "Dear
God, we thank you for being a great and loving God. We thank
you Father for making us in your image; we praise you in the name of
Jesus who saved us from sin and death, and in the power of the Holy
Spirit who lives in us. Amen."
2) Trinity Sundae
A children's sermon for Trinity Sunday
by Susan in San Pedro
Props: big block of Neopolitan
ice cream, whipped cream in a spray can
Picture a chapel full of children.
Chaplain Susan comes out of the sacristy with a big block of
Neopolitan Ice Cream on a platter. "What's this?" she
asks. "ICE CREAM!" they reply. "Is strawberry the
same as chocolate?" "No." "Is vanilla the same
as strawberry?" "No." "Are they all ice
cream?" "YES!!!"
"Now, stay with me boys and
girls, what do we mean when we talk about "THE TRINITY"?
(Someone will get "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" ... these
are bright kids.) "EXACTLY!" "Is the Father the same
as the Son?" "No." "Is the Son the same as the
Spirit?" "No." "Are they all God?"
"YES!!!" And then -- in honor of Trinity Sunday -- you can
pour chocolate syrup over the whole thing and have (TA-DA!) ...
Three Circles--in One Chain
a children's sermon for Trinity Sunday
by Alex in Ohio
I was thinking of cutting out three
circles and interlocking them. I think this is an ancient symbol for
the trinity. I would say that sometimes there is so much to say
about God that we almost don't know how to express ourselves, but we
do our best.
I would then talk about the first
circle, God the Creator, who created everything, and continues to
create. Then I would talk about the second circle, God the Redeemer,
who grants us eternal life. And then I would talk about about, God
the Sustainer, who keeps sustaining us on our earthly walk. There
are three circles, "three persons", but they are
interlocking. There is only one God: Three-in-One.
