Choose from the following Children's Sermons:
Saints Together, a children's sermon for
All Saints' Day
by Rev. Randy Quinn (see below)
Saints Are Servants
an All Saints Day children's sermon seed
by Will in UA, OH (scroll down)
Look to Him
& Be Radiant
a children's sermon seed for All Saints
by an anonymous DPS poster (scroll
Saints Together
a children's sermon for All Saints' Day
by Rev. Randy Quinn
Today we are celebrating “All Saints’ Day.”
Do you know any saints? (If they don’t think of them, I’ll name St.
Patrick and St. Valentine and St. Nicholas.)
What makes them saints? (This will be harder for them to answer.)
A saint is anyone who responds to the love of God. That means you are saints.
We are all saints. We remember some saints more than others because of the way
they responded to God’s love, but anyone who knows God loves them and who
decides to love God back is a saint.
There are 69 times when saints are referred to in the Bible. But no one
person is ever called a saint. That’s because the word saint never occurs in the
singular – it’s always plural.
That means the only saints are those who gather with other saints. It also
means we cannot be a saint on our own. We need other Christians to help us be
saints, and other Christians need us for them to be saints.
Let’s pray:
God, thank you for calling us your saints. Help us to join with all your
saints as we gather in your presence and as we seek your will for each of us and
for all of us. Amen.
Look to Him
& Be Radiant
a children's sermon seed for All Saints
by an anonymous DPS poster
.... A friend shared with me her "pumpkin sermon" which I plan
to use this Sunday for the Family Service.
Prepare a large jack o'lantern ahead of time by cutting out eyes, ears,
nose and mouth, slicing off the stem end and hollowing out the rest. Put all the pieces
(except the seeds, pulp, etc.) back in place, so that the pumpkin still looks whole.
Then talk about how the senses (sight, hearing, etc.) allow us to be in
touch with God. As each is mentioned, remove the pieces and reveal the face.
Then ask the children what is missing. When they respond "a
light", place the candle and light it to show God's spirit within each one.
Talk about how sometimes we refuse to use what we have to get in touch
with God. Put back the pieces to stop up the nose, mouth, etc. Put back the top and
observe what happens to the light within us.
Saints Are Servants
an All Saints Day children's sermon seed
by Will in UA, OH
With the theme of All Saints, I will be gathering the children around, I will point to
the stole, symbol of servanthood, that I'm wearing. It's color has gone from the Red of
Reformation Sunday (Yes, I'm one of those evangelical catholics called Lutheran) to the
white of All Saints. I will tell the children about saints as servants...not perfect
people...but people touched by God's grace and made God's children by Holy
Baptism...called to serve.
I will have a bunch of small white "stoles" cut out of strips of white cloth,
each one with crosses (stickers or hand-painted) on the lower ends...and will place each
"stole" around each child as a symbol of the saintly servanthood we all share as
God's children. In this I will seek to bring out how it is because of the servanthood of
others (the saints before us) that we serve today and prepare a way for God's serving
saints of tomorrow.