
Call to Worship (based on Psalm 24)
L: The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it;
P: for the Lord has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers.
L: Lift up your heads, O gates!
P: and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in.
L: Who is the King of glory?
P: The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle.
Grace to you and peace from God
who is, and was, and is to come.
And from Jesus Christ the faithful witness,
the firstborn of the dead, and ruler of kings on earth.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. AMEN.
A Responsive Call to Worship for All Saints Day
Pastor: We remember, O God
People: The countless saints of history who have blazed a trail of courage through
Pastor: We remember, O God
People: The tender touch of loved ones, the example of heroes, the healing words of
comforters, the remarkable acts of fearless ones.
Pastor: We remember, O God
People: The gentle strength of grandmothers, the loyalty of friends, the kindness of
strangers, the joy of children, the sacrifice of parents.
Pastor: We remember, O God
People: The supreme love of Jesus, the blessing of his Spirit, the reminder of his
words, the sharing of his suffering, the glory of his resurrection: shown forth in the
lives of his disciples, young and old, dead and living, articulate and silent, strange and
familiar, brilliant and ordinary.
Pastor: We remember in every time and place the saints of God who have shown us the Lord.
All Saints Day Prayer
We remember with thanksgiving and praise, 0 Lord, all of your faithful servants who
throughout the long centuries have witnessed to your Name: the mighty and the lowly, great
leaders and humble men and women, those who have served you amid prosperity and those who
in the day of trouble havenot failed, those in foreign places and those in this land.
Father of us all, Amen.
All Saints Prayer (common book of worship):
Almighty God,
you have knit together your elect
in one communion and fellowship,
in the mystical body of your son, Christ our Lord.
Grant us grace
so to follow your holy saints in all virtuous and godly living,
that we may come to those unspeakable joys,
which you have prepared for those who sincerely love you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
All Saints Sunday Litany:
L For the immense crowd of angels and archangels who praise your name with
us today, O Lord, and who present to you our prayer unceasingly;
P Blessed be you, O God, throughout eternity.
L For the immense crowd of saints who overcame the great trial and for the blessings that
you worked and still work in and through them;
P Blessed be you, O God, throughout eternity.
L For the immense crowd of saints who live in our midst today and who pull us and push us
on the path to heaven through their example and their teaching;
P Blessed be you, O God, throughout eternity.
L For the high calling to which you have called us and for the love of your Son Jesus
Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in it;
P Blessed be you, O God, throughout eternity.
L Lord God - make us holy as you are holy.
P Lord Jesus - make us worthy as you are worthy.
L Lord God - make us holy as you are holy.
P Lord Jesus - help us be what you have made us be by your death and your
L Receive O God all that we offer to you.
P Accept our tithes and offerings, our thanksgiving and our prayers, make them and
us holy by your love.
L Hear O God our prayers for ourselves, and for all the saints, and for all those people
and those situations who are upon our hearts today: ..... (please name aloud those upon
your hearts, after each name):
L Lord hear our prayer
P And in your love answer.
L We ask all these things through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, he who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
Litany of the Saints:
God the Father in heaven: Have merrcy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world: Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit: Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God: Have mercy on us.
For all the following, the response is "Pray for us"
Mary and Joseph:
Peter and Paul:
Thomas and Andrew:
James and John:
Matthew, Mark and Luke:
Mary and Martha and Mary Magdalene:
Bamabas and Timothy:
Stephen, the first of the martyrs:
Polycarp and Ignatius:
Justin and Hippolytus:
Agnes, Perpetua and Felicity:
Lawrence and Cyprian:
Thomas Becket and Thomas More:
Jan Hus and William Tyndale:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King:
Camillo Torres and Janani Luwum:
Ambrose and Jerome:
Leo and Gregory:
Athanasius and Augustine of Hippo:
Basil of Caesarea and John Chrysostom:
Martin of Tours and Nicolas of Myra:
Catherine, Monica and Elizabeth of Hungary:
Columba and David:
Patrick and Brigid:
Cyril and Methodius:
Augustine of Canterbury and Boniface:
Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier:
John Carroll and Samuel Seabury:
Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury:
Roger Williams and Alexander Campbell:
William Carey and Adoniram Judson:
David Livingstone and Albert Schweitzer:
Antony, Benedict and Scholastica:
Francis, Clare and Dominic:
Bernard of Clairvaux and Thomas Aquinas:
Theresa of Avila and John of the Cross:
Martin de Porres and Jean-Baptiste Vianney:
Martin Luther and John Calvin:
Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley:
George Fox and John Bunyan:
John and Charles Wesley:
George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards:
Nathan Soderblom and John XXIII:
Durer, Michelangelo and Palestrina:
John Donne and George Herbert:
Isaac Watts and T.S. Eliot:
Philip Nicolai and Paul Gerhardt:
Catherine Winkworth and John Mason Neale:
Bach, Schutz and Handel:
Florence Nightingale and Elizabeth Seton:
Dag Hammarskjold and C.S. Lewis:
All holy men and women: All our brothers and sisters who now rest in the Lord.
Closing Prayer
Almighty God, whose people are knit together in one holy Church, the body of Christ our
Lord; Grant us grace to follow your blessed saints in lives of faith and commitment, and
to know the inexpressible joys you have prepared for those who love you; through your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
forever. Amen.
