This week we are invited to enter two intriguing stories and a teaching. The first
story has to do with Gods presence, solidifying a kingdom, and great joy and
generosity. The second story recalls the death of a great man among the early Christian
martyrs-the death of John the Baptist. In between the two stories is Pauls teaching
from Ephesians 1 that enumerates the various and many blessings which come to those
"in Christ."
2 Samuel 6:1-5; 12b-19-Solidifying the Kingdom
Last weeks lesson told the story of how it happened that David become ruler of
both the northern and the southern tribes of Israel. This lesson moves us further toward
Davids hold on his new kingdom-the bringing of the Ark God to Jerusalem. The ark of
God stutter steps before it enters Jerusalem due to an untimely death that keeps the ark
cordoned off like car in Stephen Kings A Buick 8. But when Obed-edom, storage keeper
of the ark, prospers David attempts another parade into Jerusalem with the holy object. To
the glee of the crowds-and to the disdain of his wife, Michal-David and the ark arrive in
Jerusalem amid shouts of joy. With the ark placed under a tent, David offers well-being
sacrifices and generously dispatches honey and cakes to the people.
Ephesians 1:3-14-Gods Compassion in Blessing Us
Paul enumerates the spiritual blessings freely poured out on the Christian through
their union with God through Jesus Christ. The verbs say it all-Christians are blessed,
chosen, predestined, adopted, bestowed, loved, and lavished. Selah.
Mark 6:14-29-Herod: This Couldnt Be JB Could It?
Mark records a story going around early Christian circles about John the Baptists
tragic demise. As Jesus gains notoriety, Herod and others begin to wonder if perhaps Jesus
is really John reincarnate; somehow he must have come back to life due to the uncanny
similarity between Jesus and the Baptist. Like a psychological flashback, Mark recalls the
story which describes in colorful yet grisly detail how this early key player in the
ministry of Jesus died.