Choose from the following children's sermons:
God's Big, Big House,
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
without a Shepherd, Mark 6:30
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
God's Big, Big House,
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Good morning my little
friends, in one of today's lessons, the one from 2nd Samuel, God is
talking about his house. You see, king David wanted to build a house for
God--a temple. But God wanted David to understand something.
God spoke through the
prophet Nathan and basically said to David: I don't really live in
houses that people build; the whole world is my house; I am everywhere
you go; in fact, whereever you go in the world, you are in my house.
God's house is so much
bigger than any building we can build for him. What do we call the
houses we build for God today? What is this building called we're in
right now? That's right, its a church. Do you think that God really
lives in this building that we built for him? No, you're right,
God lives everywhere, including the world and, even in heaven.
A church building is
practical because then we can all worship together as a local church,
but it doesn't mean that we can't worship God anywhere else.
Sometimes we think that
we can only worship God in a church building, but that's not true; we
can worship God anywhere in the world; at home, in school, on the ball
field, and in nature.
God is the creator of the
universe and that's his house. Now that's a big house, and we all have
room in God's house and we're all welcome in God's house. And if we ask
Jesus into our hearts and follow him, then we will also live in God's
new house that he is building for all of his faithful children--it's
going to be a huge mansion where we will live with our God and all our
loved ones forever and ever.
Let us pray: Dear awesome and almighty God, we
worship you this morning in this house we call a church building. We
want to thank you for the privilege to meet in freedom and to worship in
this great space we built. But we also want to thank you that we can
live in your universe-which is the house you built. Thanks, dear God,
that we can worship you anywhere, that you are always with us and that
you invite us to live in your new house too, which we sometimes call
heaven. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.
without a Shepherd
a children's sermon based on Mark 6:30
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
props: none
"...Jesus saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were
like sheep without a shepherd."
Good morning boys and girls. Today, I didn't bring anything to show you because you can
all help me with this children's sermon. I need you to pretend to be sheep. Now, who knows
anything about sheep? What do they sound like? What do they do? What do they eat? Are they
by themselves or in a group with other sheep? Who makes sure that all the sheep stay
together? (the shepherd).
In today's Bible reading we heard that Jesus felt sorry for the people because they
were like sheep without a shepherd
I need you to be sheep this morning. Can you walk on all fours and go
"baaaaaaaaaaah?" Ok. Here is what I need you to do: walk on all fours in a
perfect circle--one walking after the other going round in a big circle. (Unless you have
very organized kids, they will have difficulty following this direction).
After letting them try for a few moments, step in and explain: I think that a shepherd
is needed to help form a circle. (Help them get into line and have them move for a few
moments, then have them sit down again).
Do you think we are a little like sheep? Do we need help? Do we need a Shepherd to help
us? Who is our Shepherd? That's right it's Jesus/God. And God has promised us to take care
of us, to keep us going on the right path and to teach us what we need to know. He is the
Good Shepherd.