About Words
a children's sermon based on Mark 7:15 and James 1
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
James 1:26 . . . "If any think they
are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is
Mark 7:15 . . . "there is nothing
outside a person that by going in can defile, but the things that come out are what
Good morning boys and girls. Today's lesson is on words. You know, words are very
special; they are a gift from God; people are the only living creatures on earth who can
use words. Animals have their own way of communicating, but they cannot use words (except
the some parrots who can imitate words, but are not using them the way people do).
God made us so that we can use words in good ways. Can you think of any good way you
can use words?
(If children don't respond ask:) "What about asking for things like food? Or help?
Using words in this way is good because we get things we need. Or what about asking others
if they need our help? Can we ask God for favors? What do you think (nod your head lightly
to encourage a yes answer)? Yes, that's called praying, right?
Or what about saying: Thank you? Are those good words? And what about saying to
someone: "you look good," or: "you did a good job." Those are good
words to use, because they make other people feel good about themselves. Can we say
"thank you" to God?" Yes we can. Can we say to God: "you did a good
job?" Yes, that's called praising God. And God enjoys our praise. It makes God feel
good, just like praise makes us feel good.
Now, I have one last question to you. Do you think that words can also be used in a bad
way (nod head lightly)? Yes, that's right. We have to be careful with words because some
words can make people feel sad, upset, and even mad. Now, I don't want you to say a bad
word, but has someone ever said words to you that made you feel that sad, or upset, or
frightened? Yes, that can be painful.
In today's bible lesson Jesus tells us not to use words in a bad way, but to only use
words in a good way. Let us be good students, good disciples of Jesus, and let us only use
words in good ways. And we can start with that by asking God to help us to use words in a
good way. Will you pray with me?