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Job 38:1-7, (34-41)                                    

GOD SPEAKS - Theology begins and ends with the activity of God. Thus, the portrayal of God sets the tone for understanding the dynamic of the book of Job. What Job has both sought and feared throughout his suffering-a confrontation with God-now happens: "Then God answered Job out of the whirlwind."

THEOLOGICAL FLASHPOINT - Job and his interlocutors have debated the commitment of God’s to the "rules" of conventional wisdom (if one does x, then y will occur-every time). The speech of God reveals an entirely different representation: God is the source of all Creation, not an arbiter preoccupied with only human affairs. God so parades the mystery and wonder of nature before Job that he is catapulted from the narrow confines of anthropocentrism into the vast expanse of mystery. Such an encounter with God leads to a new insight: God’s designs are grander than, but do include, human history.

IN THE MIDST OF MYSTERY - In the end, our theological assessments of human experience may be simply a non-sequitur of the predictable conventional wisdom that is supposed to work. As Diane Bergant points out, Job’s ordeal of innocent suffering was authentic, but the theological conclusions that he drew from it were false. Presumptions and stereotypes must be assiduously scrutinized if the search for meaning is to be fruitful for all. Even then we may discover, as did Job, that the meaning for which we search is beyond our grasp, and the stand that we will take is in the midst of mystery. [1]


Think of a time in your life when you have gotten the wrong answer because you asked the wrong question. [2]

What about God’s world is for you inspiring and awesome-the organ of Corti? (I found that one in Websters!) Hurricanes? Tiger Swallowtails? California Kingsnakes? Sunsets? _________________.

What does it mean to meet God in the storm? What do you think is the net effect on Job of God’s dumfounding questions?

For a homily that overviews the book of Job in a way that challenges invites the inscrutable mystery of God at work when conventional wisdom fails, please see the homily posted last week on DPS.

[1] Gerald J. Janzen, Interpretation Series: Job (John Knox Press, 1985), page 168.
[2] Questions adapted from Serendipity Bible (Zondervan, 1998), page 736.