Hearing God's Word
The Voice of God is Calling
O Word of God Incarnate
Word of God, Come Down on Earth
Here I Am, Lord!
Wonderful Words of Life
Christ in us
Christ Liveth in Me
Sing praise to Christ Who
lives in us
What Wondrous Love is This
Take up Thy Cross, the Savior said
I'll Live For Him
Footsteps of Jesus
The Grace in God's Laws
Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet
Standing on the Promises
Wonderful Words of Life
Jesus Loves Me, This I know
Take Time to be Holy
Thy Word is a Lamp Unto my Feet (Amy Grant)
If We are the Body (Casting Crowns)
I Will Follow (Chris Tomlin)
The Potter's Hand (Hillsong)
Word of God speak (Millard/Kipley)