- Historical context: The story contained in the books of
Samuel tells of the extraordinary change in the way Israel is
governed. Up to this time, there had been various tribes who on
occasions had come together to combat a threat from other nations. In
each instance in the book of Judges, we are told how a person was
raised by God to lead the tribes on this particular occasion. The
Spirit of God settles on the person and even when this is not overtly
mentioned in the story we are clear by the way the story progresses
that we know God's hand is directly involved in the successful
consequences. [1]
- Specifically our text (15:34-16:13) deals with another of God's
surprising choices--the one that is least expected to be king-material
(on account of the generational pecking order, age and stature).
Samuel, the great judge himself, must learn a lesson from God.
The lesson: it's what's on the inside that matters, not what's on the

- God looks at the inside -- there are many connections to
contemporary culture that come to mind; our culture that is obsessed
with hot guys and girls, make up, plastic surgery and lipo suction,
etc. True virtues seem forgotten (or ignored). What does it
tell us when a contender at the American Idols who can sing like an
angel is being voted out on grounds of being a couple of pounds over
the standard weight (the standard being ridiculously close to the
anorexic look).
- You may also want to connect this text to the 2Corinthian
passage in which Paul makes an argument for the fact that "not
everything that has a shine to it is gold" as he attempted to battle
the then-popular "success theology" of his opponents.

See our children's sermon for this week entitled: "God looks at the
inside" and check the "helpful web links" section for a homily on this
[1] Anna Grant-Henderson, Pentecost 2,
Commentary, Background, Insights from Literary Structure,
Theological Message, Ways to Present the Text.
