
PRAYING WITH PAUL - This week we catch a glimpse of an early intercessory
"prayer report." The opening words reflect the writers posture toward the
recipients, a particular prayer style and structure, and theological concerns. Couched
within the prayer of thanksgiving are several of the themes that will be addressed later
on in the epistle-hope, heaven, the gospel, truth, reminders of their "rescue,"
EUCHARISTIA - No matter where the introduction ends (1:12 or 14 or 20 or 23), the
opening thought of this first section of Colossians is eucharistia or eucharistountes,
("giving thanks" / "thanksgiving"). That theme will reappear
throughout the entire letter. With verse 10-12 we have four participial phrases that
describe the qualities of character and growth among the Colossian congregation.
fruit-bearing - (in doing good works)
growth (in the knowledge of God)
strength and endurance that comes from God (to live fully pleasing lives)
lives marked by thankfulness and joy
Notice the emphasis on thanksgiving which begins and ends this section? What
draws out the eucharistia in you? What top three memories, faces, names,
experiences draw you into spontaneous thanksgiving and gratitude to God?
While the genre
of Colossians is, of course, epistolary, a primary strand of this letter-and this
Sundays lesson in particular-leads us into someones prayer room. Someone is
praying. The proclaimer might do well to lead hearers into this room to let them make
their own fresh discoveries about prayer.
This Sunday would allow for you to raise the Christian discipline of prayer and to walk
the congregation through the prayer so that listeners can gain from the prayer and
hopefully can also improve their own prayers of intercessions.
