All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord (Gospel Lesson)
What Gift Can We Bring? (Gospel Lesson)
There is a Wideness in God's Mercy (Gospel Lesson)
For the Beauty of the Earth (Gospel Lesson)
Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed (Gospel Lesson)
All My Hope is Firmly Grounded (Gospel Lesson)
Ye Servants of God (Gospel Lesson)
Be Thou My Vision (First Lesson)
Abide With Me (First Lesson)
O Food to Pilgrims Given (First Lesson)
Here, O Lord Your Servant Gather (First Lesson)
Where He Leads Me I Will Follow (First Lesson)
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (First Lesson)
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (First Lesson)
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (First Lesson)
Stand By Me (First Lesson)
To God Be The Glory (Epistle Lesson)
My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Epistle Lesson)
Faith of Our Fathers (Epistle Lesson)
For All the Saints (Epistle Lesson)
Onward Christian Soldiers (Epistle Lesson)
Let Us Plead For Faith Alone (Epistle Lesson)
I Believe in God, the Father (Epistle Lesson)
Lord, I Believe in You (Epistle Lesson)
Give Thanks (Gospel Lesson)
I'm Forever Grateful (Gospel Lesson)
Thank you Lord (Gospel Lesson)
Glorify Your Name in All the Earth (First Lesson)
Here I Am, Send Me to the Nations (First Lesson)
Through it All (First Lesson)
We Exalt You (First Lesson)