A Responsive Call to Worship
L: We worship the God who inhabits our world and who dwells in our lives.
P: We need not look up to find God, we need only look around, within
ourselves, beyond ourselves, and in the eyes of another.
L: We need not listen for distant thunder to find God, we need only listen to
the music of life, the words of children, the rhythm of a heart beat.
P: We worship the God who inhabits our world and who faithfully dwells
in our lives.
Call to Worship (adapted from Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21)
(adapted from Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21)
L: I will extol you, my God and King,
P: I will bless your name forever and ever.
L: Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; his greatness is
P: On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous
works, I will meditate.
L: Come, let us worship the Lord!
The grace of eternal God, the holy and living One, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us pray. Lord God, so rule and govern our hearts and minds by your
Holy Spirit that, always keeping in mind the end of all things and the day
of judgment, we may be stirred up to holiness of life here and may live with
you forever in the world to come, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer of Confession
Merciful God, help us examine our hearts so that we may be convicted of
our sins and shortcomings through the ministry of your Holy Spirit within
We come to you in the name of Jesus, your Son and our High Priest. We
confess that there are times when we go against your hopes for us as your
We confess that there are times when we go against your Word for us. In
silence, O LORD, hear us as we confess those things we have done, and those
things we have neglected to do; times when we have failed you and each
other. . .
(Time of silence)
Loving God, we ask you once again to receive us into your compassionate,
forgiving arms that we might find favor with you for all the days of our
lives. Empower us to serve you fully, to share the resources we have with
those who have less, to weep with those who weep, and to laugh with those
who laugh. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon:
L: God loves us and forgives us. God gives us the chance to begin again.
All: Thanks be to God. Amen!
A Prayer Based on all Lessons
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Almighty God; we near the end of another year. We celebrate with Elkanah
and Hannah God's answer to their prayer, the gift of pregnancy. We celebrate
with the writer of Hebrews, the assurance that we can have confidence in
Christ and what he has done for us. And we celebrate with all the followers
of Jesus that we need fear nothing when we put our hope in you alone. God of
our future hear our prayer. Bless us on our life journeys that young and old
alike may live with confidence in Christ Jesus our Lord, knowing that
baptized into Christ's death we shall live with him in newness of life.
Quell our anxieties, whatever the fearful signs. Calm our fears. Give us
focus. Help us live fully in the hope handed down to us from our ancestors.
God of our future, God of our hope, hear our prayer. Amen.
Thy Kingdom Come
Almighty God, creator and ruler of all things in heaven and
on earth, we praise your glorious name, always thanking you for the very
breath you gave us and the hope for eternal life we have received in Jesus'
name. Thank you for the voice of the prophet Haggai who reminds us that you
are at work establishing peace and justice in this world. One day, your
glory and presence will fill the earth; your kingdom will be established on
earth as it is in heaven.
By the power of your Holy Spirit enable us to stand firm in
our faith and not be easily shaken and troubled by the turbulence of every
compromising doctrine. Help us always to walk in the path of truth and love
so that we be counted among those worthy of the glorious inheritance which
is reserved for your sons and daughters. Let your Kingdom come, quickly
and in the full glory of your Son in whose name we pray. Amen.
My Inheritance
adapted from a prayer by Rocco Tripodi
Lord, I was lost, but now am found.
It is only when You remind me that I am an adopted Child of God and a heir
of heaven, that I truly begin to live a life of hope and peace.
You are the Alpha and Omega of my life.
Too long have I wandered not knowing who I am or where I am going.
Remind me each day, O Lord, that I am a child of God and an heir of Heaven.
I am no longer an orphan with no place to go.
By living each day as your child, I will, at the end of my journey, arrive
in your house inheriting the riches that are hidden in Christ. Amen
Prayer of Intercession
In communion with all the saints, let us pray to God who is our eternal
Almighty God, keep your church expectant and ready for that day when you
will bring to completion your plan for earth and heaven, making all things
new. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Lord of the nations, violence and war threaten to devour the well-being of
your people throughout the world. Come to the assistance of all who seek to
bring an end to fighting and unrest. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
God of the lowly, draw near to all who are imprisoned in body or mind.
Restore them to wholeness, and bring to health all who struggle with sickness
(especially). Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
God of grace, help the worship of this congregation to provide nourishment
to all, that we might serve you together in the confession of our faith
without wavering. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Holy God, give us joy as we remember the loved ones who are now at rest in
your blessed peace (especially). Bring us one day to be reunited with them in
your new Jerusalem. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
Your reign, O God, endures forever, and in Christ we are free to be your
saints and servants. Hear our prayers for the sake of him who died and rose
again, and lives with you in the company of all your saints in light.
Closing Prayer:
(From the Lutheran Book of Worship)
Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted in a
wonderful order the ministries of angels and mortals. Mercifully grant
that, as your holy angels always serve and worship you in heaven, so by your
appointment they may help and defend us here on earth; through your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.