Call to Worship (adapted from Psalm 5):
L: Early in the morning the Lord hears my voice
P: Early in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for God, and watch.
L: Let all who take refuge in the Lord, rejoice!
P: Let them sing for joy, that they may exult in the Lord forever!
L: For the Lord blesses the righteous; come let us draw near and worship the
Lord of hosts!
Call to Worship: (Responsively) --by Rev. Rick Pittenger aka
pulpitt in ND
Arguments over land have been taking place since the beginning of time.
Ahab wanted to be able to “walk to work” and offered a fair price to his
The neighbor was not interested in selling off land that had been in the
family for years.
We wonder where our yard stops and the neighbor’s begins.
Who is our neighbor and what is required to be a good neighbor?
Anyone who covets a neighbor’s house may destroy his or her own.
Sisters and brothers, called to freedom in Christ: Grace, mercy, and
peace be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us pray. God, our maker and redeemer, you have made us a new company
of priests to bear witness to the Gospel. Enable us to be faithful to our
calling to make known your promises to all the world; through your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer of Confession
Father, you have given all peoples one common origin. It is your will
that they be gathered together as one family in yourself.
Fill the hearts of humankind with the fire of your love and with the
desire to ensure justice for all.
We confess that we often put our trust in the power of man-made things,
unmindful of Your mighty power and that Jesus is " King Of Kings." We
confess that we have turned our eyes away from You to go our selfish ways.
Money, power and pleasure are the gods we serve today. Through greed and
fear and hatred, we are seeking to destroy.
Oh, Father up in heaven, stir and wake our sleeping souls.
May there be an end to division, strife and war. May there be a dawning
of a truly human society built on love and peace. We ask this in the name of
Jesus, our Lord.
By sharing the good things you give us, help us to secure an equality for
all our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Amen.
Prayer based on all Lections
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
God of love and God of justice, you explore our hearts and
know our every thought and motivation; forgive us, we pray, our sins and
shortcomings and create in us a clean heart according to your great mercies.
Help us to accept your generous gift of grace and
forgiveness with child-like faith; let us never forget that none of us have
come to believe in your Son on our own merit. May we be eternally grateful
to you for our salvation and may we celebrate our justification through
faith in Christ without thinking that we must find ways to earn our
salvation by doing the works of the law.
God of Love and God of Justice, lead us by your Spirit in
the ways of generosity and hospitality toward our fellow human beings. May
we never forget where we came from and that what we have received from you
is a gift. Help us overcome any judgmental attitudes, biases, and all the
"isms" that wreak havoc in our society and even in our churches. Teach us
to walk in the generous and loving way of Jesus, the Christ, so that your
name may be magnified above all the earth. Amen.
Prayer for Justification:
Most merciful Lord Jesus Christ, through your great love you came down
and took flesh to save all. Lord, save us by your grace, for we have fallen
short of your commandments of love and compassion. If faith in you saves
the desperate, save us, for you are our God and Creator.
Impute our faith instead of our deeds, O God, for there are no deeds
which could justify us; but may our faith suffice. May it answer for and
acquit us, and may it make us partakers of your eternal glory.
Forgive our sins of commission and omission; the sins we committed by
doing wrong and the ones we committed by not doing right. Cleanse our
hearts and wash our souls.
And may the enemy not overcome us, O Christ, my Savior, but may we find
strength and courage through your Holy Spirit to withstand temptation and
We praise and worship you, our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, all the days
of our lives, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer for Hospitality and a Generous Spirit
God of Love and God of Justice, lead us by your Spirit in
the ways of generosity and hospitality toward our fellow human beings. May
we never forget where we came from and that what we have received from you
is a gift. Teach us to walk in the generous and loving way of Jesus, the
Christ, so that your name may be magnified above all the earth. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication: (Unison)
Gathered like Grapes in the vineyard, we come to this place during this
hour. Some of us are ready to be picked, while others of us seemingly are
dying on the vine. Gather us closer to your love as we share these gifts
with others in your name. Use them to provide a wonderful blend of that
makes the sweetest wine. We ask in the name of the wine dresser, the Christ,
Closing Prayer
England, 20th Century
Teach us, Ruler of the universe,
to see people by the light of the faith we profess,
that we may check in ourselves all ungenerous judgments, and all
presumptuous claims.
Help us to recognize the needs and rightful claims of others, so we may
remove old hatreds and rivalries and hasten new understandings; that we may
bring our tributes of excellence to the treasury of our common humanity;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.