Call to Worship (based on Psalm 42)
L: As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.
P: My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
L: Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me?
P: Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God.
L: Come, let us seek the face of the Lord!
Call to Worship
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
L: We gather here today to draw close to God
P: The Lord Almighty is our source of life and love
L: God calls us to be generous as God is generous
P: We praise His faithfulness to all generations
L: Come, let us praise and adore the LORD
Sisters and brothers, called to freedom in Christ: Grace, mercy, and peace
be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us pray. O God our defender, storms rage about us and cause us to be
afraid. Rescue your people from despair, deliver your sons and daughters from
fear, and preserve us all from unbelief; through your Son, Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen
Prayer of Confession:
Almighty and ever-gracious God, we confess
that we are do not always trust your promises and provisions. Like Abraham
and Sarah, we too exclude our fellow human beings at times--perhaps out of
fear of the unknown or because we feel threatened by them.
On this Sunday when you call us to count the
cost of discipleship and follow you with all our hearts and minds, we
confess our shortcomings:
For acts of discrimination and exclusion of
our fellow human beings
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
For sins of omission; for withholding our
love toward others
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
For not trusting in your care and provisions
for us
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
For breaking your commandments and ignoring
your guidance
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
Help us to truly understand that you love
all your children and that you call us to unity, love and peace. Enable us
through your Holy Spirit to extend hospitality to all. Through Jesus our
Lord. Amen.
Prayer based on all Lections:
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
God of amazing Grace, when we still pursued our selfish dreams and desires
you reached out to us. On account of your incredible love you brought us home,
cleansed us from our sins, and gave us a brand-new life. All of this you have
offered without price. We give you praise and rejoice in your gift of
salvation, healing, and our ongoing restoration to wholeness.
Dear Lord, let the story of Elijah remind us that you never leave nor forsake
us--even though we may feel forsaken sometimes. Lift up the spirit of all
those among us who are facing fear, loneliness, tragedy, and illness. Nourish
us our souls and give us strength to continue on the journey you have set
before us.
Dear God, on this day our hearts long for you and your healing touch. Come
and visit us, your children; breathe on us and bless us for evermore through
the gift your Son Jesus has brought to us. Amen.
Prayer of Father Gilbert Shaw (1886-1967)
Lord, give us grace to hold you when all is weariness and fear
And sin abounds within, without when love itself is tested by the doubt . .
That love is false, or dead within the soul,
When every act brings new confusion, new distress, new opportunities,
New misunderstandings, and every thought new accusation.
Lord, give us grace that we may know that in the darkness pressing round in
the mist of sin that hides your face, that you are there.
Prayer of Invocation
Confident in God's steadfast love through Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy
Spirit, let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their
God of faithfulness, enliven all those baptized into Christ to be witnesses
of the church's oneness in Christ Jesus, that all the world may be drawn to you.
God of grace,
let our prayer come before you.
God of faithfulness, turn the hearts of the leaders of all nations to
compassion for the poor and hungry everywhere and move them to action on behalf
of all in need. God of grace,
let our prayer come before you.
God of faithfulness, protect and heal all those afflicted with the demons of
despair, addiction, and abuse, that they may one day live to declare how much
you have done for them. God of grace,
let our prayer come before you.
God of faithfulness, comfort the sick and the dying (especially) and let them
experience your love through their families and those who care for them. God of
let our prayer come before you.
God of faithfulness, bless the fathers in our congregation and fathers
everywhere with wisdom, patience, and understanding, that they may nurture with
love and discipline the children you have entrusted to them. God of grace,
let our prayer come before you.
God of faithfulness, we give you thanks for all the faithful departed who are
heirs according to your promise. Let their lives be for us models of
faithfulness until we too join with them in praising you forever. God of grace,
let our prayer come before you.
Teach us to pray, O God, and grant to all for whom we pray the good gifts
that you have promised, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer for the Sick
God of compassion, source of life and health;
strengthen and relieve your servant(s) [insert names of the sick in your
Give your power of healing to those who minister to their needs, that those
for whom our prayers are offered
may find help in weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through him
who healed the sick and is the physician of our souls, even Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Closing Prayer
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Salvation is from you, o Lord, our Help and our Strength. May
we go forth in the comfort of the knowledge that your hand has saved us; and
that you will continue to save us--no matter what may come our way. Bless us
and keep us from falling until we meet in this place of worship again. Amen.