
How Your Love
Language Can Fuel Your Spiritual Life
by Frank Schaefer
the PowerPoint Presentation: Love-Languages
Scripture Reading: John 3:16-18 The Message (MSG)
This is how much God loved
the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no
one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and
lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son to point an
accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the
world right again.
I got the perfect message for
Valentine's Day! Let's talk about our love languages. Dr. Gary Chapman's
book "The Five Love Languages" (1995) has become a widely popular and helpful
concept. It is used in a variety of applications ranging from couple's therapy
to spiritual retreats. What are the love languages and what can we learn from
this concept?
In short, the five love languages are about the way we feel loved and valued by
others. They are different for everybody. You can speak one or more love
languages based on your personality type. According to Dr. Chapman, there are
five love languages:
Love Languages:
Acts of
Let's say your primary love
language is "words of affirmation" but for your spouse it is all about touch.
Your spouse will need a lot of hugs and cuddle time while for you it's more
important to hear words of affirmation and love. As long as you both understand
what primary love language your partner is speaking, you can give each other
what you need for a fulfilled and satisfying love life. It's important not
to judge. To me, the love language of gifts used to seem "shallow." But, again,
its a matter of personality and perhaps, upbringing, that determines how you
feel loved. What's important is that we need to be aware and accept our
differences and work to show love to each other.
Now, I find it very
interesting that the concept of love languages have recently also been applied
to spirituality. God can be said to have provided all 5 languages (and perhaps
more). The idea is that everybody, no matter what love languages we speak, are
being reached by the endless expressions of love God extends toward us.
In our Scripture
reading, we experience God's love in a multitude of manners, perhaps that's why
this verse is so famous. God didn't just verbally express love, but also gave
sacrificially, served us, spent time, and touched us through Jesus' ministry....
Five Love Languages exhibited by
God toward us:
l. Words of affirmation - Jesus affirmed all people, "Your faith has healed you"
2. Gifts - God gave / sacrificed God's own Son, Jesus gave all of himself
3. Acts of Service - Jesus healed the sick and fought for the poor/ oppressed
4. Quality time - Jesus spend time to teach us, live in community, train disciples
5. Physical touch - Jesus' touch brought healing--physically and spiritually
Now, we as human beings seem to have primary ways in which we feel spiritual as
well as feeling being loved. I used to think that in order to fulfill my duties
as a Christian, I had to engage in all spiritual expressions equally. I had to
pray, read the Bible, meditate, give, and serve equally. Today, I understand
that we all have primary ways in which we live out our spirituality.
- How do you feel that you grow spiritually?
- When do you feel closest to God?
- How do you feel spiritually fulfilled?
Equating Love Language with
Spiritual Expression
Love Language
Spiritual Expression
l. Words of affirmation - Worship / Prayer / Encouraging others / Seeking Wisdom
2. Gifts - Sacrifices / Giving of self / Sharing time, money, energy
3. Acts of Service - Acts of Service / kindness / justice / education
4. Quality time - Studying / Reading/ Meditation / Time in God's Nature
5. Physical touch - Fellowship / Rituals / Symbols / Caring ministry / Visitation
There are two
important lessons here this morning:
1. Know that God
loves you so much. Think about how God loved you in different ways, in ways that
aligns with your love language. As you meditate on this, let God's love wash
over you, fill you and feed your soul.
2. Know that God
doesn't expect you to do it all. Living life as a Christian is not like doing
"spiritual chores." God wants you live authentically and express your
spirituality in the way that it is meaningful to you. God wants you to follow
your heart and your passion. If reading the bible feels like a chore to you,
perhaps you should rather spend more time with serving meals to the homeless, or
take up meditation, or join the church band (we could certainly use more
talented musicians in our band).
The good news
this morning: feel God's love for you and express your love for God in the way
you are willing and able. Amen