Lessons We Can Learn from

Message by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Mat 6:26-27, Isaiah 40:31
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But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and
not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or
store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you
not much more valuable than they? Can
any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew
Lessons from Geese
have all seen geese fly in a V formation. Scientists discovered some time
ago that as each goose flaps its wings it creates “uplift”, an aerodynamic
orientation that reduces air friction for the birds that follow. By flying
in a V-formation, the whole flock achieves a 70% greater flying range than
if each bird can fly alone. A couple of weeks ago we learned that a group
of trees together are stronger and more likely to survive storms, today we
learn that working together like geese will help us make our journey
easier—in the case of geese up to 70 percent. We can achieve so much more
if we stand together and walk alongside our brothers and sisters, helping
and supporting each other
Now, when a goose gets sick or wounded, two geese drop out of formation
and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it dies
or is able to fly again. Then, they launch out with another formation or
catch up with the flock. The lesson here is to stand by each other in
difficult times, we pray for each other, we care for each other. No one
gets left behind. When one of us suffers we suffer all.
Lessons from Eagles:
Perhaps Isaiah climbed up a tall mountain to pray and meditate and as he
looked around he saw some eagles soar high above. Perhaps he even observed
them feeding their eagle babies in the nest. Bald eagles are amazing
animals, they mate for life and they care for their young together.
There comes a time when mom and dad eagle knows that it's
time for junior to fly. They know that junior can fly. However,
junior has never flown before, so he doesn't know whether he can or cannot
fly. Do you know how baby eagles learn to fly? Mr. and Mrs. Eagle will try
to lure junior out of the nest by flying overhead with food. But it’s been
observed that young eagles were pushed out of the nest. Perhaps this is
something the prophet Isaiah observed as he meditated on the mountain
side. And while junior is falling, panicking and afraid, he will
eventually start to flap his wings and before he hits the ground he will
suddenly catch a ride on the warm rising air and start to soar.
that sound familiar? That's what it feels like when God allows us to go
through crises, isn't it? That's what it often feels like, metaphorically
speaking, we feel like the bottom of our world has dropped out and we are
in a free-fall waiting to shatter and splash on the ground below us.
By the way, the Bald Eagle Stalmaster estimates that perhaps half of all
fledglings fall to the ground after their first flight. Whether they fall
or successfully land in trees near the nest, the parents will typically
bring them food to where they are.
1. Trusting God means that we realize that before you
can rise, you have to fall! You can't experience the miracle of the
rise unless you fall. There could not have been a resurrection without
Jesus' death!
2. Trusting God means that we will be able go through a crisis with
confidence because we have God's promise that, in the end, we shall
3. Trusting God means that we believe, without knowing why or how, that
God has already given us wings, we just need to discover them!
beautiful words by Jesus don’t need interpretation. They speak for
themselves. I had an interesting conversation once with a gentleman who
insisted that Jesus was saying in this discourse that birds are not that
important to God. In fact, he insisted that God’s creation was solely made
for us to use, enjoy and manage. I had a feeling where he was going with
this argument, namely that environmental concerns are ridiculous. Of
course, I do not share this opinion. On the contrary, by affirming that
God does care for God’s creation, including birds and all other animals
and plants, it makes the statement, “and are you not much more valuable in
God’s eyes” even more significant. What it says is that God loves us and
cares for us in a special way. We are God’s favorites, we are God’s
beloved. Let’s take this in for a moment as we close with a prayer:
Dear God, you made the earth and every living creature;
Help us to treat with compassion
The animals entrusted to our care,
That they may not suffer from neglect
Nor become victims of any cruelty.
And grant that in caring for them
We may find a deeper understanding of Your love
for creation, as they teach us valuable lessons of trust, care, and unity.
We pray this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.