Position Yourself for Blessing
and You Will Be Blessed
by heaven 11
Mathew 5:1-12
O God, transform the poverty of our nature with the O God, transform the poverty of our
nature with the riches of your grace, and in the renewal of our lives make known your
glory, in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessing. No other word in Bible language give us more problem. What is a blessing?
What does it mean to be blessed? How do we receive a blessing? Its so simple, I'm often
amazed that most of us don't get it. It comes down to one simple, very biblical principle:
"Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed."
What is a blessing? Jesus lists for us, in his Sermon on the Mount, those who are
blessed. The poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, the hungry, the merciful. All of
these, Jesus says are blessed.
A little research will quickly reveal that this whole idea of blessing has its roots in
the ancient beginnings of our tradition — Judaism. The concept of blessing appears
first in the pages of the Old Testament. There, blessing is closely linked with
thanksgiving. Blessing was received when someone had something worthy of giving thanks.
Gifts were "blessed" as a way of giving thanks for them. God was blessed because
he was to be appreciated and worthy of thanks. People became a blessing to others when
they provided some material or spiritual graces worthy of thanks. To be blessed means that
something to be thankful for has been received. To be blessed means to be in a happy,
healthy state of body, mind and spirit. A blessing is desirable, something we all should
want and need. Blessing is favourable, to our credit, a hope for wholeness, and an
expression of thanks.
So we bless food before a meal as a way of giving thanks. We bless bread and wine in an
act of great thanksgiving for all our gifts and favours at the eucharist (the Greek word
for thanksgiving). We bless gifts we have received, thanking God for generosity shown.
Priests bless congregations as a show of desiring and hoping for only the best gifts for
What blessing is not may be even more important. Blessing is not a magical dust which
protects us from danger. Blessing is not a spooky way to assure that something or someone
is always remains with good intentions. Blessing is not something that is bestowed on us
by chance or in a random way. You don't have to wait for your number to be drawn by God to
receive his blessing. You can be blessed now. You will be blessed now if you position
yourself for blessing. Blessing is, for the most part, thanksgiving; thanksgiving for the
peace and happiness that comes as a gift from a generous and gracious God.
How do we receive a blessing? Its fairly simple. "Position yourself for blessing,
and you will be blessed. That's so important, I want you to repeat it with me. With me,
say "Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed." Its not that you
need to wait for God to decide to bless you. God wants to bless you now. God will bless
you now, if you position yourself for blessing.
What does that mean? It means that when we are not the recipients of blessing, its not
because our card wasn't drawn today ... its not always, but far too often its our own
fault. Many of us are not blessed because we haven't positioned ourselves for blessing. On
the other hand, I'm not sure I know of one example of someone who has made an effort to
position themselves in that way who reports that they have not been blessed.
"Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed." Not "maybe"
you'll be blessed. Not, you'll be blessed if God happens to feel like it today.
"Position yourself for blessing and you WILL be blessed."
Let me try to illustrate what I mean. In your spiritual life, positioning yourself for
blessing is making time for prayer; making an effort to read, study and ingest God's Word
not just on Sunday's but everyday; making time for God; being in church. One person once
said to me they'd never received a spiritual blessing. When I inquired how much time they
spent in prayer or bible reading, and how often they went to church, they said they don't
do any of those things. Waste of time. That person was not willing to position themselves
for spiritual blessing. Guess what? They weren't blessed. "Position yourself for
blessing, and you will be blessed."
In our physical lives. Want to be in a situation where there are no blessings of
health? Don't exercise. Drink two pots of coffee everyday. Eat all the fat and sugar you
can get your hands on. Go on out and buy a package of cigarettes and start faithfully
smoking at least a pack everyday. Within twenty years, maybe less, you'll be enjoying poor
health. Its unlikely that any miracle of God or medicine will be able to erase the effects
on your body. That's a perfect example of how not to position yourself for blessing. Want
the blessing of good health? Position yourself for blessing and you will be blessed,
In our moral lives. Don't uphold honesty as important. Cheat, lie and steal. Disregard
the bible's teaching about commitment in relationships. Don't listen to how the bible
speaks of the importance of marriage. I'm not passing judgement on anyone whose marriage
didn't make it. I'm only pointing out that a broken marriage is not a blessing to anyone.
Its painful, it hurts, its devastating. What I'm saying is, ignore the bible's teaching on
moral issues, be dishonest, kill, covet and commit adultery, hurt and injure the humanity
of others and that will come back on you ten-fold. Disease, lawsuits, violent revenge ...
we could go on and on. Am I being morally fundamentalist? Its up to you. Regard and you
will be regarded. What goes around comes around. But in your moral life, position yourself
for blessing, and you will be blessed, morally.
In our financial lives. Now everyone loves when they hear the clergy talk about money.
We don't like anyone messing with our money — it brings out a real passion in us.
Don't mess with my money ... it too close to my heart. When we see what God describes as
how we are to treat the financial blessings he sends us, when we listen to the biblical
teaching about how much of what we have belongs to him, and when we take that to heart and
do what God says, something happens. We position ourselves for blessing. I need you to
listen very carefully to this: One tenth, ten percent, a tithe of what we have, God says
belongs to him. Its not ours, we only think its ours. God doesn't say to return everything
you have to him. God doesn't say return so much that you won't be able to eat, buy the
things you need to survive or have a good time. God says, ten percent belongs to him. If
you have a dollar ... that's ten cents. If you have $10,000, that's a thousand.
So often in the church we make the mistake of looking at our bleak financial situation,
by no means a blessing, and by dividing what we think we need by the number of people who
participate through offering, we determine how much everyone should be putting in their
envelopes. Wrong! That isn't even the beginning. The biblical principle is percentage
based. That's why if you look on the back page of your bulletin, there's a chart there
which will help you to take a step toward positioning yourself for financial blessing. Its
not until you have taken steps towards getting your personal financial priorities in order
and move towards what God decrees is just and fair, that you will ever really get ahead
financially. For us to receive blessing, its absolutely crucial that we follow what God
says is right and true. It not magic. If you give a tithe to the church, you have your
priorities straight — you are doing what God demands of you. Your other finances will
be just as well planned. They'll have to be. I don't know of one tither I've ever talked
to who says that tithing has not brought them blessing. They have postioned themselves for
blessing, and they have been blessed, financially.
I'm crazy aren't I? But if you see that the principle works in our physical lives, our
spiritual lives, or moral lives, why is our financial life different? Jesus said the poor,
the hungry and those who mourn are blessed! Doesn't make sense does it? Paul says in the
epistle that to the world, the wisdom of the gospel, the Cross, is foolishness to those
who are perishing. Are you perishing? Is this Word from God foolishness? Have you
positioned yourself for blessing? Don't knock it until you've tried it. Its guaranteed!
How many things these days come with a guarantee signed by God. Maybe our positioning in
one area will bring blessing in another. That often happens. Position yourself for
blessing, and you will be blessed.
Spiritual blessing, physical blessing, moral blessing, financial blessing. When we
don't bless God, by seeing clearly that everything we have in all those areas is a
tremendous gift and then act accordingly by following his Word, he doesn't bless us. It
shouldn't surprise us but it does. Blessing is not magic ... its not chance ... its not a
throw of the dice or a spin of the wheel. If there's an area of your life in which you are
not being blessed every day, could it be that you haven't positioned yourself for
blessing? It often that simple.
In the collect today we prayed that God might transform the poverty of our nature by
the riches of his grace. God wants to be gracious to us. God wants to bless us. Do you
desire his blessing? Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed.riches of
your grace, and in the renewal of our lives make known your glory, in the name of God the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessing. No other word in Bible language give us more problem. What is a blessing?
What does it mean to be blessed? How do we receive a blessing? Its so simple, I'm often
amazed that most of us don't get it. It comes down to one simple, very biblical principle:
"Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed."
What is a blessing? Jesus lists for us, in his Sermon on the Mount, those who are
blessed. The poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, the hungry, the merciful. All of
these, Jesus says are blessed.
A little research will quickly reveal that this whole idea of blessing has its roots in
the ancient beginnings of our tradition — Judaism. The concept of blessing appears
first in the pages of the Old Testament. There, blessing is closely linked with
thanksgiving. Blessing was received when someone had something worthy of giving thanks.
Gifts were "blessed" as a way of giving thanks for them. God was blessed because
he was to be appreciated and worthy of thanks. People became a blessing to others when
they provided some material or spiritual graces worthy of thanks. To be blessed means that
something to be thankful for has been received. To be blessed means to be in a happy,
healthy state of body, mind and spirit. A blessing is desirable, something we all should
want and need. Blessing is favourable, to our credit, a hope for wholeness, and an
expression of thanks.
So we bless food before a meal as a way of giving thanks. We bless bread and wine in an
act of great thanksgiving for all our gifts and favours at the eucharist (the Greek word
for thanksgiving). We bless gifts we have received, thanking God for generosity shown.
Priests bless congregations as a show of desiring and hoping for only the best gifts for
What blessing is not may be even more important. Blessing is not a magical dust which
protects us from danger. Blessing is not a spooky way to assure that something or someone
is always remains with good intentions. Blessing is not something that is bestowed on us
by chance or in a random way. You don't have to wait for your number to be drawn by God to
receive his blessing. You can be blessed now. You will be blessed now if you position
yourself for blessing. Blessing is, for the most part, thanksgiving; thanksgiving for the
peace and happiness that comes as a gift from a generous and gracious God.
How do we receive a blessing? Its fairly simple. "Position yourself for blessing,
and you will be blessed. That's so important, I want you to repeat it with me. With me,
say "Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed." Its not that you
need to wait for God to decide to bless you. God wants to bless you now. God will bless
you now, if you position yourself for blessing.
What does that mean? It means that when we are not the recipients of blessing, its not
because our card wasn't drawn today ... its not always, but far too often its our own
fault. Many of us are not blessed because we haven't positioned ourselves for blessing. On
the other hand, I'm not sure I know of one example of someone who has made an effort to
position themselves in that way who reports that they have not been blessed.
"Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed." Not "maybe"
you'll be blessed. Not, you'll be blessed if God happens to feel like it today.
"Position yourself for blessing and you WILL be blessed."
Let me try to illustrate what I mean. In your spiritual life, positioning yourself for
blessing is making time for prayer; making an effort to read, study and ingest God's Word
not just on Sunday's but everyday; making time for God; being in church. One person once
said to me they'd never received a spiritual blessing. When I inquired how much time they
spent in prayer or bible reading, and how often they went to church, they said they don't
do any of those things. Waste of time. That person was not willing to position themselves
for spiritual blessing. Guess what? They weren't blessed. "Position yourself for
blessing, and you will be blessed."
In our physical lives. Want to be in a situation where there are no blessings of
health? Don't exercise. Drink two pots of coffee everyday. Eat all the fat and sugar you
can get your hands on. Go on out and buy a package of cigarettes and start faithfully
smoking at least a pack everyday. Within twenty years, maybe less, you'll be enjoying poor
health. Its unlikely that any miracle of God or medicine will be able to erase the effects
on your body. That's a perfect example of how not to position yourself for blessing. Want
the blessing of good health? Position yourself for blessing and you will be blessed,
In our moral lives. Don't uphold honesty as important. Cheat, lie and steal. Disregard
the bible's teaching about commitment in relationships. Don't listen to how the bible
speaks of the importance of marriage. I'm not passing judgement on anyone whose marriage
didn't make it. I'm only pointing out that a broken marriage is not a blessing to anyone.
Its painful, it hurts, its devastating. What I'm saying is, ignore the bible's teaching on
moral issues, be dishonest, kill, covet and commit adultery, hurt and injure the humanity
of others and that will come back on you ten-fold. Disease, lawsuits, violent revenge ...
we could go on and on. Am I being morally fundamentalist? Its up to you. Regard and you
will be regarded. What goes around comes around. But in your moral life, position yourself
for blessing, and you will be blessed, morally.
In our financial lives. Now everyone loves when they hear the clergy talk about money.
We don't like anyone messing with our money — it brings out a real passion in us.
Don't mess with my money ... it too close to my heart. When we see what God describes as
how we are to treat the financial blessings he sends us, when we listen to the biblical
teaching about how much of what we have belongs to him, and when we take that to heart and
do what God says, something happens. We position ourselves for blessing. I need you to
listen very carefully to this: One tenth, ten percent, a tithe of what we have, God says
belongs to him. Its not ours, we only think its ours. God doesn't say to return everything
you have to him. God doesn't say return so much that you won't be able to eat, buy the
things you need to survive or have a good time. God says, ten percent belongs to him. If
you have a dollar ... that's ten cents. If you have $10,000, that's a thousand.
So often in the church we make the mistake of looking at our bleak financial situation,
by no means a blessing, and by dividing what we think we need by the number of people who
participate through offering, we determine how much everyone should be putting in their
envelopes. Wrong! That isn't even the beginning. The biblical principle is percentage
based. That's why if you look on the back page of your bulletin, there's a chart there
which will help you to take a step toward positioning yourself for financial blessing. Its
not until you have taken steps towards getting your personal financial priorities in order
and move towards what God decrees is just and fair, that you will ever really get ahead
financially. For us to receive blessing, its absolutely crucial that we follow what God
says is right and true. It not magic. If you give a tithe to the church, you have your
priorities straight — you are doing what God demands of you. Your other finances will
be just as well planned. They'll have to be. I don't know of one tither I've ever talked
to who says that tithing has not brought them blessing. They have postioned themselves for
blessing, and they have been blessed, financially.
I'm crazy aren't I? But if you see that the principle works in our physical lives, our
spiritual lives, or moral lives, why is our financial life different? Jesus said the poor,
the hungry and those who mourn are blessed! Doesn't make sense does it? Paul says in the
epistle that to the world, the wisdom of the gospel, the Cross, is foolishness to those
who are perishing. Are you perishing? Is this Word from God foolishness? Have you
positioned yourself for blessing? Don't knock it until you've tried it. Its guaranteed!
How many things these days come with a guarantee signed by God. Maybe our positioning in
one area will bring blessing in another. That often happens. Position yourself for
blessing, and you will be blessed.
Spiritual blessing, physical blessing, moral blessing, financial blessing. When we
don't bless God, by seeing clearly that everything we have in all those areas is a
tremendous gift and then act accordingly by following his Word, he doesn't bless us. It
shouldn't surprise us but it does. Blessing is not magic ... its not chance ... its not a
throw of the dice or a spin of the wheel. If there's an area of your life in which you are
not being blessed every day, could it be that you haven't positioned yourself for
blessing? It often that simple.
In the collect today we prayed that God might transform the poverty of our nature by
the riches of his grace. God wants to be gracious to us. God wants to bless us. Do you
desire his blessing? Position yourself for blessing, and you will be blessed.