a children's sermon
by Tom Hall and Frank Schaefer
SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 13
OBJECTIVE: To help children understand that God's idea of love is putting others first.
Good morning, my fine little friends! Guess what? We have a very good word to talk
about today. See if you can guess what it is. Im going to give you a quiz; see if
you can guess the word. If you think you know what word it is, just raise your hand.
Ready? Okay:
Everybody needs it.
It is a four letter word.
Country western songs talk a lot about it.
When your mom or dad tucks you into bed at night, he or she sometimes uses the word when
they say, "I ____ you very much."
Thats right! Love is the answer! Last Wednesday we celebrated St.
Valentine's Day--and that's all about love, isn't it? How many of you gave valentines to
special people in your life?
The Bible says that love is something very, very special and that we all need it.
O.k. are you ready for another little fun quizz? This time I will give you
different sayings about love ("love is...") and you have to guess whether they
are from the bible or not. If you think they're from the bible raise your hand.
Ready? Go:
1) Love is patient, love is kind
2) Love is blind.
3) Love cares more for others than for self.
4) Love isnt always "me first."
5) Love doesnt keep a list of whos naughty or nice.
6) First comes love, then comes marriage, then they come with the baby carriage!
7) Love looks for the best in others,
and always trusts God.
Cool, you guys did really well on this quizz. You pretty well know what Christian
love is all about. (To congregation--if they are used to this sort of thing):
I think they deserve a round of applause.
The bottom line is: when we love someone--even our pet--we don't think of ourselves
first, but we are concerned about others; we want to help them, to take care of them, to
make sure they are okay.
St. Valentine--the man after which this day is named--was a man full of love and he
gave to the poor and helped others. So maybe if all of us really try hard to love
someone else, maybe love will help us to solve our problems in the world. But it must
start with you and me, right?
Lets pray: "Dear God we thank you for your love for us. For all
the things you have done for us, that you always care for us. You have given us a
good example of what Love looks like. You gave us people like St. Valentine and your
Word, the bible, to teach us that true Love puts others first. Help us to
love others like you love us. Amen."