Week Resources

Easter Video
Good Friday Video
Prayer for a Walk in Christ's Passion.
Almighty and ever-living God,
in your tender love for the
human race you sent your Son
our Savior Jesus Christ to take
upon him our nature,
and to suffer death upon the cross,
giving us the example of his great humility: Mercifully grant
that we may walk in the way
of his suffering, and also share
in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.
Children's Sermons:
God Took Our Shame,
various texts
(see excerpt below)
by Rev. Thomas Hall
Everyone Loves a Parade,
Mark 15:1-39, Mark 11:1-11
A Sermon in Two Parts by Randy L Quinn
Listen, Hear, Speak,
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Rev. Randy L Quinn
Palm and Passion, Mark 11:1-11 (also chpts. 14-15)
Rev. Thomas Hall
Splendid Sorrow,
by Rev. Thomas Hall
Open Wide the Gates, Mark 11:1-11, by Leslie Depenbrock
Time to
Take Out the Trash, Philippians 2:1-11, by RevBill in GA
- Doing the works that Jesus has done,
Mark 11:1-11, by HW in HI
Sermon Excerpt
God Took Our Shame
various texts
by Rev. Thomas Hall
Philip Carey is a nine year old whos just
entered a private boys school in England in Somerset Maughams novel, Of
Human Bondage. But all is not right with Philip Carey, for he suffers from talipes, a
disease that has left one foot grossly deformed. His clubfoot fascinates the other boys
and so on his second day at school, Philip ends up being "pig in the middle" and
roams the playground trying to tag boys as they dash across the circle. He tries hard to
tag them, but theyre too quick and he too clumsy. Then one boy decides to mimic
Philip by clumping and dragging his foot across the playground. Soon all the boys are
limping and hooting their way past frightened Philip dragging one foot behind them,
choking with laughter. Later that night, three of the boys stand in the dark before
Philips bed.
"Lets have a look at your foot," says one of them. "No!" says
Philip and jumps into bed and bunches the covers up around his leg. The three boys pin
Philips arm and twist it. "Why dont you show us your foot quietly?"
When they add more pressure, Philip, gasping and horrified, thrusts his foot out from
under the covers. "Beastly," says one. Another traces the outline of the
deformity, as if the foot were somehow an object detached from Philip. When the headmaster
appears, the boys scamper back to their beds but Philip turns into his pillow and clamps
it with his teeth to contain his tears. He cries because he is ashamed of his foot, but
also because hes ashamed that others have gawked at his deformity.
Philip Carey is that kid in all of us. For we all carry within us this primitive
human emotion called shame. Were all Philip Carey because we bear on and within us,
our own deformities and deficiencies. And worse yet are those painful moments when our
shame is uncovered and exposed for others to see.
Thats the story of Adam and Eve redux. Once they stepped
out of God’s order and cosmos, they discovered that they were naked. And for the
first time in their lives, they could not stand up to the scrutiny. It wasn’t
that they just flinched when they saw each other exposed, but that suddenly they
realized that they were threadbare and vulnerable . . .
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Children's Message Excerpt
No Small Jobs in God's Eyes
kids' talk based on Mark 11:1-11
by Rev. Randy L Quinn
Did you like waving the Palm
Branches this morning as we sang? (They probably did.) Why do you suppose
we did that? It was to remember the way people welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. It
was like a one person parade that everyone came to watch and to wave to as he
came by.
Do you think it would have
been fun to be there the day Jesus came into Jerusalem, riding on his donkey?
Would it be more fun to be one
of the disciples who probably walked along with him as the crowd cheered? It
would be like being in a parade with him, wouldn’t it? Everyone would be
watching and cheering and we would probably feel pretty good about being there
that day.
But I don’t know if you were
listening when we read the story. How many of you heard what Jesus told two of
his disciples to do before the “parade” began? He didn’t tell them to follow him
in the parade and he didn’t tell anyone to wave palm branches. They thought of
that on their own.
Does anyone remember?
He told them to go and get a
donkey (Mk. 11:2). That probably wasn’t very exciting, was it? But it was
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