Arrangement Like Jacob/Rachel in 29:1-14 and Moses/Zipporah in Exodus 2this
is a meeting between a man and woman at a well and results in marriage. [1]
The Next / Not Greatest Generation This is a baton-passing narrative: the author
shifts the focus from Abraham to a new "master" (v. 65). Abraham initiates the
journey, the servant is reliable, Rebekah is willing, and a new future begins that carries
the saga forward of Gods intention to bless the world through the divine entry
point: Abraham.
Structure The story is set up in a problem/solution movement with four scenes:
(1) The problem (vs. 1-9) -- to find the proper wife for Isaac so that the promise may
have a future. (2) The prayer and doxology (vs. 11-27) the key word in the scene is
"steadfast loyalty" (hesed) found twice in the prayer (vs. 12, 14) and in vs.
26-27). (3) Speech of Servant and Response (vs. 28-61) the speech is bracketed by
two statements of Laban with compacted theological content. (4) Arrangements and Ritual of
Friendship (vs. 52-60) notice the loyalty asked of God and the theme of blessing
that is prominent.[2]
Has someone ever set you up on a
blind date? What was the learning curvepositive and negative? [3]
What would be the hardest thing about leaving home?
What marriage arrangement / boy meets girl movies or videos does this story trigger?
What current title best describes this story"Mission Impossible?"
"Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match?" "Father Knows Best?"
"A Bride for Frankenstein?"
The Providence of Gods
Loveretell the story, but develop it such that we can overhear whimsically the story
of Gods love for people. [4]
The Comfort of Human LoveIsaacs mom has just died; maybe the death got
Abraham to thinking about the future and the promise God had earlier made to him.
Its time, Abraham decides, to arrange a marriage for Isaac. What was Isaac doing in
the fields as he awaited the arrival of his arranged wife? Meditating carries several
nuances of meaning: lamenting and mourning are just a few. Isaac is wandering in the
fields, thinking of his recent loss. In the tent where he first learned love, he is
comforted by the love that can soothe a grieving heart. Have we found comfort in the love
of our close ones and can we also provide. [5]
[1] New Interpreters Bible I (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994), page
509. Cf. also Jesus at the well in John 4, but with a different kind of transformation
[2] Walter Brueggemann in Interpretation Series: Genesis (Atlanta: John Knox Press,
1982), p. 197.
[3]Adapted from Serendipity Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1988),
page 72.
[4] Adapted from Abingdon Preaching Annual 2002 Edition (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
2001), pp. 243.
[5] Ibid, page 244.