Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (cycle a)
Proper 9
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Religion – the Way it Was
Matthew 11: 28-30,
Rev. Frank Schaefer
is no doubt in my mind that RULES are part of the reason
why organized religion is shrinking, especially those
rules that are rooted in the culture of ages past—rules
that don’t make sense in today’s world. Examples of such
rules, often unspoken, include
- Wearing
formal clothes to Church
- Giving isn’t
optional, ushers will collect
- Certain
seats (and offices) are “reserved” for faithful donors
- No applause
during the church service
Many years ago, this list of rules was substantially
longer (here are a few):
- No going to
the movies
- No watching
- No wearing
of pants for women
- No makeup
- No pastoral
role for women
When Jesus said"Come to me, all you that are weary
and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you
rest,” (Matthew 11:28), he was talking about his idea of
spirituality over and against the spirituality that was
preached by the priests and Pharisees of his time.