Choose from the following Children's Sermons:
What We Need is Important Mark
Rev. Randy Quinn
(see below)
Mark 10:46-52,
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
What's it like to see? Mark 10:46-52,
by an anonymous DPSer
What We Need is Important
Mark 10:46-52
Rev. Randy Quinn
We’ve all heard stories about
someone getting three wishes, haven’t we? Sometimes it’s a genie in a bottle
that grants three wishes, sometimes it’s a fairy. Usually, the person asks for
something and then finds out they really didn’t want it, so they have to
“unwish” it. Then they only have one wish left.
Maybe you remember the man, for
example, who wished that everything he touched would turn to gold – which worked
fine until he gave his daughter a hug and she turned into gold! He used his
next wish to undo all of the gold he had made before coming up with a more
reasonable wish.
Those stories are just stories,
but it is kind of fun to think about what we would do if we could have three
wishes, isn’t it? What do you think you would wish for?
Did you know there were people in
the Bible who were asked what they wanted, kind of like a wish? God asked
Solomon what he wanted when he became King (1 Kgs. 3:5); and in our scripture
today, Jesus will ask a blind man what he wants (Mk. 10:51).
Do you know what the King asked
for? He asked to be wise. And God made him wise.
We haven’t read it yet, but what
do you think the blind man will ask for? He asks to be able to see. And Jesus
heals him.
If God were to ask you what you
wanted, what would you say?
The good news is that God wants us
to have everything we need. Sometimes that means we won’t get what we want, but
always it means God cares about us.
Let’s pray:
God: sometimes we don’t get
what we want. In those times, it’s easy to think you don’t hear us when we pray
or you don’t care about us. Remind us that you want us to be happy – and
sometimes that means you won’t let us have what we want; instead you give us
what we need. Thank you for helping us learn the difference. Amen.
based on Mark 10:46-52
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
Object: a blindfold.
Ask for a volunteer from among the children. Explain that the volunteer will be
blind-folded and then receive directions from you to walk from predetermined points A to B
in the sanctuary. The goal is to get the volunteer there without bumping into things.
Blindfold the child and give directions, never being more than one step away from the
child (in case you have to catch him/her). Ask the child what it is like to walk
and not seeing where you're going.
After the illustration, encourage the congregation to applaud the courage of the
child. Then explain that sometimes God allows us to walk through stretches of
complete darkness in which we are not sure where we are going. During those times it
is important that we listen to God and trust God's directions through the dark
valley. Ultimately, God will lead us to the light where we can see everything around
us again, just like Jesus restored Bartimaeus' sight.
What's it like to see?
a children's sermon seed based on Mark 10:46-52
by an anonymous DPSer
I am going to have the children close their eyes and not open them at all. I am going
to tell them that this is like they are blind. I want them to pretend that they have NEVER
been able to see.
I want them to keep their eyes closed and think about what it would be like to suddenly
get their sight. What do they think that they would see? Light, colors, people, building,
Now, I will ask them to open their eyes and tell me the first thing they see. But how
would you know that that is your mom? The pew? The cross? Me?
Bartimaeus opened his eyes, Jesus said, "Go". Do you know what he did because
he could see? He did not go see the temple, or where he had been living. or see his
caretaker. He did not go, but he followed Jesus.
You all can see, but do you use your sight to read about Jesus? To follow Jesus? It
isn't our eyes that see Jesus, or follow Jesus, it is our faith.