Call to Worship (based
on Psalm 130)
L: Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD.
P: Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my
L: If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?
P: But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.
L: O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is
great power to redeem.
Call to Worship
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
L: We gather here today to draw close to God
P: The Lord Almighty is our source of life and love
L: God calls us to be generous as God is generous
P: We praise His faithfulness to all generations
L: Come, let us praise and adore the LORD
The steadfast love of God, the life of Jesus Christ, and the growth of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us pray. O God, you have prepared for those who love you joys beyond understanding. Pour into our hearts such love for you that, loving you above all things, we may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer of Confession:
Almighty and ever-gracious God, we
confess that we are do not always trust your promises and provisions.
Like Abraham and Sarah, we too exclude our fellow human beings at
times--perhaps out of fear of the unknown or because we feel
threatened by them.
On this Sunday when you call us to
count the cost of discipleship and follow you with all our hearts and
minds, we confess our shortcomings:
For acts of discrimination and
exclusion of our fellow human beings
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
For sins of omission; for withholding
our love toward others
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
For not trusting in your care and
provisions for us
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
For breaking your commandments and
ignoring your guidance
People: Forgive us, dear Lord
Help us to truly understand that you
love all your children and that you call us to unity, love and peace.
Enable us through your Holy Spirit to extend hospitality to all. Through
Jesus our Lord. Amen.
A Stewardship Prayer (Epistle text):
by Rev. F. Schaefer
Giver of all life, as you sent us into this world,
so will you summon us at the end of our days:
naked and empty-handed.
What we wear, what we possess, our talents,
even our thoughts,
are but a gracious loan from you, o Lord.
Teach us on this day to take nothing for granted--
neither your blessings nor our belongings.
May we be shrewd, faithful and wise stewards
over what you have entrusted to us.
Above all, we thank you for our salvation,
and for giving us new life in the path of Jesus.
Enable us to find opportunities to serve you
and others. In Christ's spirit we pray. Amen.
Prayer for a Heart of Giving (Epistle text):
We give our thanks
to you for the gifts you have given to us -- our life, our family and friends -- time,
talents and material possessions. All we have comes from you. Help us to remember this
always and rejoice in your generosity.
Help us on our
spiritual journey, so that we may constantly renew our relationship with you and all
people of our parish community.
Give us the strength and courage to become better followers of Jesus, to be disciples.
Help us always to hear the call to live the Stewardship Way of Life. Amen.
Prayer of Intercession
Growing in the soil of the Spirit, let us pray for the church, the world, and all who seek the richness of life in God.
O God, your steadfast love never ceases and your mercies never come to an end. Bless your church with leaders whose lives will reflect the abundance of your compassionate love in their ministry. Gracious God,
hear our prayer.
O God, you bring healing to the nations and peace to all peoples. Guide our elected leaders, and all the people of our country, that we would be moved to help those who seek freedom and justice. Gracious God,
hear our prayer.
O God, you are the strength of all who seek you and the rest of all whose souls wait quietly for you. Comfort all who suffer with chronic pain and illness (especially), that they would know the tender touch of your healing hand. Gracious God,
hear our prayer.
O God, you are the giver of every good and perfect gift. Help the members of this congregation to share from their abundance of resources, so that the needs of our community will be met equitably. Gracious God,
hear our prayer.
O God, your children cry no cry that you do not hear and shed no tear that you do not see. Touch the lives of those who grieve losses (especially), and keep us in communion with all the saints in your eternal embrace. Gracious God,
hear our prayer.
Hear us as we pray, living God, and in your mercy give us all good things, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Prayer for Healing
God of compassion, source of life and health;
strengthen and relieve your servant(s) [insert names of the sick in your community].
Give your power of healing to those who minister to their needs, that those for whom our
prayers are offered
may find help in weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through him who healed
the sick and is the physician of our souls, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Wholeness:
by Rev. Frank Schaefer
God of Love and Compassion, when we pursued our
selfish dreams and desires you reached out to us. We give you praise and rejoice in your
gift of salvation, healing, and our ongoing restoration to wholeness.
Through today's lessons your heart of compassion and care for us
is revealed. You are the God of Shalom, who wants to restore his children to health
and wholeness. Lift up the spirit of all those among us who are facing fear,
loneliness, tragedy, and illness. Heal us, nourish us through your spiritual food
and give us strength to do continue in the race you have set before us.
Dear God, on this day our hearts long for you and your healing
touch. Come and visit us, your children and draw us closer and close to you.
Prayers for Use with Laying-On-of-Hands
Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who gave authority to His disciples that they should lay hands
upon the sick that they might recover, have mercy upon you and strengthen you in body,
soul and spirit; and give you faith in His power to heal. By His authority committed unto
me, I lay my hands upon you in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
I lay my hands upon you and anoint you with oil in the Name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy spirit, beseeching the mercies of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that all
sin, sickness, and disease of body, soul and spirit may depart from you, and by the power
of the Holy spirit you shall be made whole. Amen
I lay my hands upon your head (an anoint you with oil) in the Name
of God the Father, who made you, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, who
died for you, and in the Name of the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies you.
O Triune God, fill this Your servant with Your healing love. Lift
every burden, throw light upon every problem
, wash away all guilt, forgive every sin, reconcile every strained
relationship, heal every disease, re-energize his entire being, anoint
him with Your joy, and fill him with Your peace. Bless and heal the
ones for whom he is interceding through Jesus Christ, Whom with You, O
Father, and the Holy Spirit, we worship and praise as one God, world
without end. Amen.
May the mercy of God, and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the power of His Holy
Spirit, which are here now, enter your spirit, your soul, and your body for healing. Amen.
Make us Worthy Servants--Mother Teresa
Make us worthy, Lord,
To serve others throughout the world
Who live and die
In poverty or hunger,
Give them, through our hands,
this day their daily Bread,
and by our understanding love,
give peace and joy.
Prayer for Faithfulness and Service
We bow out hearts in grateful adoration before you, Lord Jesus; you who
bowed so low that you could reach out and lift us up to be with you forever.
Lord, we desire to overflow with endless praise and adoration to you for having called us,
because we know that your calling is the highest calling in this life and eternity.
May we be found diligent in continuing your work here on earth; may we be
serving you and others selflessly; may our right hand not know what our left is doing; may
we be found faithful until the day you come back for us.
Master, instill in us a deeper sense of wonder and awe, adoration and worship, humility
and service as we more keenly perceive your continuing presence and love among us through
the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Closing Prayer:
Salvation and Wholeness is from you, o Lord, our help and our
strength. May we go forth in the comfort of the knowledge that your hand has saved
us; and that you will continue to save us--no matter what may come our way. Bless us
and keep us from falling until we meet in this place of worship again. Amen.